Chapter Thirteen: The Air Devil

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We arrived to the air kingdom of Zephryos in about 4 days of travelling. “Oh my God…” I heard Harry say under his breath. The air kingdom was not only suspended on clouds; but it was holding up; upside down. The buildings were made of solid rock called: Lithiospacium which was light as a feather but sturdy as ever.

After landing, we were greeted by some servants, and lead around the city. I felt a gust of cold wind while passing a dark alley to my left; making me catch up to Harry and grab hold of his hand. James, Devan, Niall and Vanessa seemed like they were about to pass out or puke. Talk about a fish out of water, “Liam?” I called, but there was no answer. I turned around, “hey guys, do you know where Liam headed off to?” I asked the others. They all paused, “maybe he’s trying to find that guy who’s supposed to teach you.” Niall said. “GUY!? Oh good grief…I thought he said there were two people.” I said. “I don’t think so, this city’s been under attack in the past few years, Liam’s friend’s sister died recently so his parent’s fortune is left with him. So this luxury is courtesy of the Royal…” Niall continued. “How do you know so much about her? Well them.” I asked, now catching up to him. “My great grandparents also experimented on their family a while after your family. They ended up killing her grandmother, and well my family is in a kind of quarrel with theirs…” I didn’t dare ask any further, most of which I was scared to cross into Niall fighting territory (already know what that’s like)… Anyway, we got to our hotel when a scream escaped my lips. I felt a ‘wosh’ of wind, and right before my eyes a boy with wings (angel wings) who was about 5 years older than me had snuck me a kiss on the cheek. He was laughing his head off at my reaction, “Your right about her Liam, she is easy to surprise” he said. To my surprise, Niall didn’t look too happy about this; on the other hand Harry was laughing his head off as well. “I’m so sorry madam to have startled you,” the flying boy said, he grabbed my hand softly and kissed it. “My name is Aiden, Aiden Kallistos.” He straightened up and his wings disappeared. “Your wings… are they?” I didn’t finish my sentence; it seemed he already knew my question. “Real? Mine? Yes. I’m part Angarlious, you’ll be seeing loads of them around here.” He said. “Ahhh Niall, good to see you old pal!” he flew up to Niall, who again didn’t look too pleased. Before Aiden could reach him he whipped a rock to him, Aiden dodging it very easily. “Nice to see you’re still the same… You offended or something? Jealous I kissed your girlfriend?” That’s where the shit went down. Niall looked like someone stabbed him, Devan just looked okay with it, Harry just looked like he was going to strangle Niall. “THAT WAS A FUCKING PERSONAL THOUGHT!!! YOU TWAT!!” Niall yelled. He looked at Devan, Harry, than finally laid his eyes on me, not being able to look at me for long he ran off, to God knows where, Aiden looking completely lost. “W-what I wasn’t actually serious!” he said. I walked up to Devan, “I thought you guys were…” “No. I don’t like him, I thought you guys knew I liked Harry…” She said, more in a daze than to my face. Soon enough she, too, ran off. Everyone gathered around me, Harry just as guilty as I. “Who knew… Looks like Harry’s a likeable guy!” James joked. “OF COURSE BECAUSE THAT MAKES EVERYTHING BETTER JAMES, YOU –-- ” I stopped right there, I couldn’t yell to everyone present that he liked Harry, also revealing the fact he was gay. James starred at me, coming closer and closer until we stood inches apart. “You lied…” he whispered. I didn’t know what to do, I couldn’t speak, everyone was starring, Harry looked angrier than ever, and as unexpectedly as the whole event happened; the scenario that happened now was the most unexpected. James and I exchanged glances, and his lips were on mine. I refused to let him win, I didn’t relax my tense body, trying my hardest to pull back, but he was much stronger than I and he eventually won. He kissed me harder and harder until I felt him being forcefully detached. I took this chance to get away from him, I noticed after I got far enough there wasn’t just Harry grabbing him, but Niall appeared out of nowhere to help. Harry let go of James, punched Niall, Niall went flying to the ground, and James rebounded from their impact. Harry soon got to James, punching and kicking him. James looked bloody horrible (literally), he didn’t bother fighting back and I wanted to know why. *ZOOMING INTO JAMES’ MIND* ‘yes, hit me Harry. I deserve this. I’ve made you angry, I wanted to know that you truly cared about her, and the only way to know was to see if you’d protect her at all cost---wait, someone---’ His gaze turned straight at me, and I felt a sharp pain go right through my head, causing me to go on my knees. I felt hands help me up and the last thing I saw was Harry still beating James up.

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