Part 2: Confrontation

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Lucy's POV:

So now you know what happened that's made me hate myself. Now sure, what Lockwood said was nice. But it was too nice. And I liked the compliments a bit too much. And that's what made me realise, I think I actually might like Lockwood. Like, like like him. And I hate myself for it.

I don't want to ruin the friendship that we have cause that wouldn't be good for us, but it would be even more horrible for George. Poor George would either end up being a third wheel or end up having to choose between me and Lockwood. Not that I would want him to, but it would be unbearable for him. Yes, he makes smart remarks all the time but we love him and we wouldn't want to do that to him.
I desperately wanted someone to talk to about my new feelings.

George was no good cause he would just blabber to Lockwood, and obviously Lockwood is a no go. Skull... if only skull was still a working source. I really needed him right now. I know he would probably tell me how pathetic I was being and to solve the problem I should just kill Lockwood, but it would still help to have someone to talk to so my thoughts aren't going on overload. That only ever ends in disaster. I had no one else to talk to. No other friends. No family who I could just call out of the blue for relationship advice with no explantion. Until I realised. Holly. Holly exists.

As soon as the realization hit me I was running down the stairs and almost out the door before I realised it was 7pm and almost dark. That meant ghosts. I quickly grabbed a rapier from the umbrella basket near the door and was about to leave the house when I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around and found Lockwood and George staring at me.
'Where the hell do you think you are going?' That was George. Both he and Lockwood stood with their arms folded in front of them.
'I'm just going to Holly's. I need to talk to her.' I gave them my best reassuring smile. It did not convince them at all.
'What's so urgent you need to go now?' Lockwood asked.
I looked at him and gave him a small smile while shrugging, 'It's just something important.' He gave a hand gesture as if for me to continue. But I had nothing else to say. I stared at the two boys as they stared back at me. To an outsider, it might have seemed like a stand off, and I guess it kind of was, and I knew I had to win it. I stood up straighter and was about to say goodbye and quickly make a run for it when Lockwood said,
'You're not going out by yourself at this time of night. You'd be crazy, Luce! I'll come with you.'
'No!' I shouted. I didn't mean to shout, it just kind of came out that way. 'No. I'll be fine, Lockwood. Seriously. I've got a rapier, plus I'll take a cab so I'll be safe. I promise I'll be fine. Nothing's gonna happen to me.' Lockwood was about to protest but before he or George could stop me, I turned and ran. Behind me I could here them both yelling at me and telling me to stop, but I NEEDED to see Holly. Running down Portland Row to Arif's corner store, I thought about how I should get a cab. Once at Arif's, I used the phone box outside and called one. It arrived 2 minutes later. Those two minutes were spent anxiously waiting and checking to make sure Lockwood or George, or both, hadn't followed me. I thought they would have, but they weirdly didn't.


Lockwoods POV:

Seeing Lucy run off like that made me very concerned. As soon as we had gotten home she had run off to her room without a word to me. I felt guilty as it was most likely my fault. I think I had made her a bit uncomfortable with my flattery of her. I don't know what had taken over me in those moments to just so boldly compliment her. I was happy in a way because she deserved to know how cute she looked in my coat and how her eyes did really look beautiful in the light..... Anyway, overall I felt terrible.

I had been meaning to go up to her room to apologise, but I was starving and George had just dished up dinner. I had quickly eaten it, and just as I had gotten up to go apologise and tell her that dinner was ready, she had run down the stairs. I had been about to call out to her and say how sorry I was when I realised she wasn't coming into the kitchen. She was going for the front door. I gestured George over and we both went and stood in the hallway, arms folded. When she said she was going to Holly's all I could think was she was a mad women.  At this time of night? Did she have a death wish?

We tried to stop her, and I guess we could have run off after her to make sure she was safe, but when George went to do just that, I placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him. He turned to me confused and said,
'What the hell, Lockwood. What did you do this time? We need to go after her!' But I shook my head.
'Lucy obviously really needs to go see Holly and she seemed embarrassed at the thought of us going. My guess is she needs some kind of girl talk and I don't think we are quite adequate enough for that George.' He huffed and went to turn to go back to the kitchen, where he needed to clean up. 'Plus, Luce will be okay. She's strong, but I do hope she is taking a cab.' As George walked away, I heard him mumble something about wasting time on dinner for nothing. I followed him into the kitchen and was about to say something along the lines of am I not enough for you? When he quickly did a 180 and  turned to me. He gave me a weird look, and a grin spread on his face. I got a bit scared if I'm going to be honest. Never in my life have I seen him look this devil-ish.

'She was wearing your coat, Lockwood.'

I stood there, baffled. I went to protest but George cut me off. 'She was! Oh my God. You two aren't together are you? What happened on that walk? Oh God, Lockwood. You are in such trouble now. Why did you give her your coat? And why is she still wearing it? I swear to God...' he was about to continue but I cut him off.
'Nothing happened, George,' I used the same tone he did for my name. 'She was cold so I gave her my coat. It's a gentleman thing to do. Not that you would know. Amd just so you know, nothing is happening between us and I have no idea where you would get that idea from.' I could feel my face getting a bit hot and flustered so I turned and left to go to the library. I needed to cool off and read a crappy magazine.

The rest of the night past with no more smart remarks from George. However, he did give me a few looks that told me he knows something I don't, but I tried not to think about it too much.

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