Part 19: Love and Ghosts

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Lucy's POV:

I bolted up into a seated position and stared at him. What did he just say? He what?

Lockwood looked confused and then almost a little hurt.
'I- oh God, Luce,' He put his head in his hands. 'I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have said that. It's too soon isn't it? I'm so sorry.' I almost missed half of what he said. My brain was too full of his words repeating over and over.

I love you. I love you. I love you.

I snapped out of my daze as soon as I heard him say sorry for the second time.
'Oh God, Lockwood. No no that's not what I meant. Sorry. No I-' Stumbling over my words, I took his hands in mine and pried them away from his face. His face was tomato red and I felt so terrible for making him think I didn't feel the same way. 'Lockwood, I'm so sorry. Please look at me.' He was avoiding eye contact at all costs. 'Lockwood, please.' He finally turned his head. I took a deep breath before continuing, 'I love you too. I really do. And I'm not just saying it because you did. I really mean it.' I gave him an embarrassed smile. 'And I'm sorry for making you think otherwise.' He gave my hand a squeeze and then gave me his signature grin, recovering extremely quickly from his previous emotions.
'I'm glad you feel that way, Lucy. Otherwise it would have been a bit awkward wouldn't it?' I stared at him. Was he being serious right now? Was he seriously going to make a joke about how he had just been feeling?

I must have been making a face because he started laughing at me and then pulled me in for a kiss. It was a quick peck and then he shuffled back into a lying position. I did the same and ended back in the same place as I had been two minutes ago, wrapped in Lockwood's strong arms.

'Okay, don't freak out this time, but...' Lockwood paused for a stupid and unnecessary dramatic effect, but i loved it nonetheless. 'I love you, Luce.'
I smiled.
'I love you too, Lockwood.'

And this time when he said it, I sunk further into him and fell asleep.


The warm morning sun streamed through the windows of the living room where I was seated, reading a novel about the early years of The Problem. George was seated opposite me, reading one of his comics and Holly was down in the basement doing some paperwork. Lockwood was nowhere to be found. I had left him sleeping peacefully in his bed a couple of hours ago when I had woken up, and I assumed he was still in the same position.

'Did Holly tell you what the case is tonight?' George asked, interrupting my reading. I shook my head without looking up.
'No, sorry.'
I heard him sigh overdramatically then stand up. 'Fine. I'll go ask her myself then.' He huffed as walked out of the room. I watched him leave, trying not to laugh. George was so funny sometimes. The most random things got him in a tiff.

A few minutes later, I left my book lying alone on the couch and went into the kitchen. I needed a cup of tea badly since I hadn't had one for a whole hour. Inside, I found Lockwood pouring water into two mugs. He turned around when he heard the door open and smiled when he realised it was me.
'Good morning.'
'Morning.' I replied.
He put the kettle back on the countertop and handed me one of the mugs.
'Here you go, Luce.'
'Thanks.' I smiled and sat in a chair.

We sat in silence for a few minutes, sipping on our tea, until Holly came back up from the basement. She had her head down, gazing at some papers, and didn't notice us. She almost walked out of the door before Lockwood cleared his throat.
'Oh!' She her hand flew to her chest in fright. 'Sorry, I didn't see you guys there. Good morning, Lockwood. Good sleep?' Lockwood nodded, but Holly was already out the door.

He turned to me, 'I wonder what's got her in such a hurry.' I shrugged my shoulders. A few seconds later we heard her talking and so we both stood up and crept to the kitchen door. We peered into the hallway and saw her with the phone in her hand, babbling about something we couldn't hear properly. Before we could get closer, she set the phone back down on its stand and looked up at us, perfect eyebrows raised.
'Were you eavesdropping?'
'Nooooo...' Lockwood lied as he slowly backed away. I rolled my eyes at him and grabbed his shirt to stop him from retreating further.
'Sorry, Holly. We were just curious as to what was going on.' I answered truthfully. She nodded before replying,
'Well, it's a secret and you will find out soon.'
'Oh God. Not this again!' Lockwood groaned.
'Well actually, Lockwood, I was wanting to talk to you, but you'll have to come down to the basement.'
I scoffed. 'What about me?'
'You'll find out eventually, Lucy.' She gave a smile, showing her perfectly straight and white teeth. I glared back.

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