Part 31: The Mary Poppins Bag

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Lucy's POV:

We barely walked through the glass doors of the hospital and into the stark lighting of the grim place when we were already being rushed into a room.
'Miss Carlyle? Come with us.' An elderly nurse said. I was pushed gently into a room and then onto a bed, asked what I had done, and was immediately treated.

With barely enough room to breathe, two nurses checked my heart rate and gave me localized anesthetic, while a third clicked my apparently dislocated shoulder back into place. George and Lockwood stood at the end of my bed, staring with bewilderment as the nurses rushed around after me.

After they had put strapping and wrapped my shoulder in cloth, the nurses left with strict instructions to not move and that they would be back in an hour to release me.

'What the hell just happened?' George broke the silence with the question we were all wondering.
'I don't know.' I replied. I gazed at both of them as if staring at them would give me the answers to our questions. 'How'd they know my name?'
'Well you are part of Lockwood and Co, Luce. Of course they know your name.' Lockwood said with a shrug. 'I think we've reached some sort of statis that means we get special treatment?'
'Seems like it. Still weird. It feels wrong.' I said with a shrug. I winced in pain as I did so, forgetting my shoulder was still in a lot of pain.
'Why?' Lockwood asked. 'It's a good thing really, considering we are always in here with some sort of injury.'
'That's true. Maybe one day we'll have to set up a foundation that supports the hospital in return for all the times they've had to put up with us.' George joked.
'Haha. Very funny.' I deadpanned.

Two hours later, I was discharged from the hospital with more strict instructions to not do anything outrageous. Although, the hospitals definition of outrageous is a lot different to mine.

We arrived home in a cab, and as soon as we entered, George bustled into the kitchen to make us tea. Lockwood helped me out of my coat before putting it on the hook for me.
'Thanks.' I said, smiling up at him.
'That's all right, Luce.' He replied after giving me a quick kiss on the lips.

We walked into the kitchen where George was placing three different types of biscuits on a plate, each one a favourite of ours. Just as me and Lockwood sat down, the kettle whistled to tell us it was finished boiling and George poured water into our cups.

We sat in silence while we drank our teas, all too tired to speak. After I drained my tea, eager to get inside my warm bed, I stood up and announced I was retiring to my room.
'Here I'll help you.' Lockwood rushed to finish his drink before grabbing both our cups and placing them in the sink.
'No I'm fine Lockwood! My legs still work. I can get up the stairs.' I waved him away.
'No, I'll help you.'
'Ugh okay.' I sighed.

He guided me up the stairs and helped me into bed even thought I told him I was okay to do everything. Eventually he left me alone to get changed and brush my teeth, but as I was about to pull my sheets open to get into bed, I heard a knock on my door.

'Yes?' I called. I heard the familiar creak of the door opening and the heavy footfalls of Lockwood coming up the stairs.
'Hey.' He said as he reached the top. His usual smile that he seemed to reserve for myself only was plastered on his face.  'Just wanted to make sure you hadn't fallen over and weren't lying on the ground like a helpless turtle.'
'Glad you think so highly of me.' I joked as I slid under my covers. 'I'll have you know I was just fine by myself. I don't need anyone's help.'
'I know you don't.' His eyes softened. 'You aren't just our best agent, but also our toughest.'
'Hmmm okay.' I replied, not too sure what to do with that information. 'Well?'

Lockwood shrugged his shoulders. Then he moved a foot closer toward my bed before hesitating and bringing it back to himself. I sighed.
'Yes you can stay here tonight if you want. But no hogging the covers!'
'What?' He asked as if he was shocked I would even suggest that. 'It's you that hogs, Luce. Not me!'
'Are you wanting to sleep here or no?' I countered.
'Okay fine. I won't hog the duvet.' He resigned before racing down the stairs. 'I'll be back in two minutes.'

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2023 ⏰

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