Part 29: Finally A Date?

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Lucy's POV:

Rain pattered at the window behind me, creating little rainbows on the floor where the sun was streaming through. It was a sun shower, and those were my favourite.

It was midday, but I hadn't done anything yet. I was sitting at the kitchen table, watching the TV and mindlessly drawing on the thinking cloth. George had drawn some crude drawings and I was trying to cover them up. I didn't really care about them, but they weren't the nicest thing to see first thing in the morning. Especially before I had had some tea and food.

Lockwood was down in the basement doing some rapier practice, I think. George was up in his room as always, writing his book. The house was quiet, peaceful, and I was enjoying it. After the eventful last few days, it was calming. Mary had phoned late last night to say she was home safe and that she was realising how quiet it was at home.
'I hadn't even realised how chaotic you lot are, but now I'm kind of missing it. I have no one to talk to really, Mother just sits around when she's not at work and says nothing.' She had told me.

The episode of the show I had been watching finished and I decided it was time for another cup of tea. I boiled the kettle, yelled up the stairs to George and asked if he wanted one, to which I got no reply. When he was focused he became practically deaf, but I thought I may as well make him one anyway.

As I was pouring the water into the two mugs, Lockwood entered the room.
'Hi.' I said without turning around.
'How the hell did you hear me?'
'You're not very quiet on the stairs.' I said as I grabbed another cup from the cupboard. I poured water into the cup as well before handing it to him. He added his condiments till he had the perfect tea, while I made mine and George's. 'I'm just going to take this up to George. I'll be right back.' I said, moving past the table.
'Okay.' Lockwood replied, lifting his mug to his mouth.

I didn't bother knocking on George's door. He never answered so there was no use. I opened it rather loudly, and yet he still didn't look up or turn around. I cleared my throat and he finally looked at me.
'I made you some tea.' I said, shoving the cup towards him.
'Oh.' He looked at it, inspecting to see if it was made to his liking. 'Thanks.' He took it into his own hands and hunched back over his desk.
'Your welcome. How's your book going?'

I blinked slowly a couple of times at the back of his head before turning on my heels and going back downstairs. George could be a bit painful like that sometimes, but it was just him. And it never hurt anyone so I didn't mind.

I re-entered the kitchen and sat down at the table opposite to Lockwood. He looked up from the newspaper he was reading.
'George is really into his book right now.' I told him.
'When is he not?' He joked.
'True.' I laughed. I took a sip of my tea, but it was still hot and I almost burnt my tongue. Lockwood looked down at his newspaper, scrunched up his face in thought, then looked back at me. He looked like he was about to say something but decided against it and looked back at the paper.

'What?' I asked. Lockwood looked back up at me.
'Oh, I was just thinking about something.'
'Thinking about what?' I persisted. He sighed, folded the newspaper and placed onto the table neatly beside his tea.
'Well, when I was sparring Floating Joe, I was thinking about you,' He paused just to smirk at me. I tried to glare at him, but I couldn't stop the blush that was creeping onto my cheeks. He laughed. 'Yeah, well I was thinking about you and then I realised we haven't actually been on a date yet.'

He was right. We hadn't. Well, not an official date. We'd been for walks to the park down the road plenty of times, but I guess you can't really count those as dates.
'Oh. Yeah I guess we haven't. But that's what you were thinking about earlier, not now.' I said. Lockwood nodded.
'Yes, but just now I was thinking about what we could do for a date.'
'Oh.' I raised my eyebrows, surprised for some reason.
'Yeah.' Lockwood suddenly looked nervous. 'So, would you want to go on a date with me?'

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