Part 17: Green Green Garden

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1 Week Later-

Lucy's POV:

This morning Lockwood announced we were going to have another day off. The phone was off the hook; no one could ring us to make appointments. We had covered the sign on the gate to our front door with another sign saying we were closed today. It was the middle of July, the sun was shining, almost no clouds on the sky, but still a nice, cool summer breeze flowed through the open windows of the house, making the heat bearable.

Holly had still come in today, having been here before Lockwood had even gotten up. Lockwood had told her she could have the day off, but Holly decided she would stay here to hang out with us.

This morning, at around 10am, I had been putting a load of washing on when I had looked out the window to the back garden. We really needed to get around to tidying it up. Maybe today would be a good day for that.

After turning the washer on, I went back upstairs to go find the others. I found Lockwood and George sitting in the living room, and Holly in the library, skimming through a book. Lockwood was slumped on the couch so I went and sat next to him, our legs pressed close. I gave him a little smile as I sat down, and once I was sat, he put his arm around my shoulder and gave me a small kiss on the cheek. I blushed.

Even after a week, it still felt odd that we could do this kind of thing. Every morning, I was now greeted with a kiss when I entered the kitchen. Every time we walked anywhere, we would hold hands. Every night, we would hug and kiss before going to our respective bedrooms. It made me happy, but I was always so surprised whenever it happened.

While we still haven't been on a date yet, the day after George basically forced us to kiss, we made it official. Lockwood was now my boyfriend and I was his girlfriend. I'm not sure if I will ever stop getting a thrill whenever I think about that fact.

'What's going on in your mind, Luce?' Lockwood asked me.
'Nothing.' There was no way I was going to tell him I was thinking about us. As a couple. Not when George and Holly were within ear shot. I could already feel George's beady eyes staring at us over his comic book.
'But I was thinking...  What would think about possibly doing up the garden today? Or at least starting it? Maybe?' I wanted to be cautious while asking because I knew Lockwood hadn't touched it since Jessica died.
'Oh, Lucy! That sounds like such a good idea!' Holly came rushing into the living room. 'I could go to the nursery to get some new plants while you guys start clearing space. If that's what you want to do, of course?' She had started off excited, and trailed off when she saw Lockwood's face.

He wasn't mad, exactly. More guarded and concerned. I put a hand on his leg.
'We don't have to, Lockwood. It's okay. It was just a suggestion.' I reassured. He stayed silent for a few more seconds, a thoughtful expression spreading over his face.
'I guess, it wouldn't be a terrible idea.'
'Oh my god. I have been waiting for this moment for years!' George started. 'I can finally start growing fresh food from our garden. My dreams are coming true!' He brought his hand to his forehead in a fake fainting motion. Holly and I laughed and Lockwood rolled his eyes.
'Yeah, whatever, George.' He said with a slight smile.

One hour later, Holly was back with bucket loads of plants and other gardening equipment. Me, George, and Lockwood were all dressed in old and comfortable clothing, prepared for getting dirty. We helped Holly bring everything through the kitchen, down the stairs to the basement, and then out to the garden.

Lockwood had located an old, dusty lawnmower stuffed in the cupboard in the laundry a little earlier, only to find it did not work. Eventually George figured that it had just run out of petrol, so George went off to get some. Lockwood and I had started to clean the small patio and stairs that are just outside the door, only to stop when he started kissing me. We had gone at it for a while, only stopping when we heard George banging around and coming down the stairs.

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