Part 14: Hospital Aftermath

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Lucy's POV:

I woke up to bright white lights. Is this death? I thought. Then the harsh light faded a little and I could see my surroundings more clearly. No. I was just in a hospital room.
'Lucy! You're awake!' I looked to my right and saw Lockwood rushing through the door. 'Oh my god. How do you feel? Are you okay? Do you need anything?' He had a concerned look on his face.
'I need you to slow down and be quiet. My head hurts so fucking much.' I went to move my right arm to rub my forehead, but found I couldn't as it had a drip attached to it. I sighed.
'Sorry, Luce. You've been out for about six hours. Do you want some food or water?' I nodded my head, but quickly stopped. Pain shot through my brain. I winced.
'Yeah, if you could get me some water that would be great, thanks.' I gave him a small smile through the pain. He didn't return it, worry still lining his face. He hesitated before leaving.

When he returned five minutes later, he wasn't alone. A nurse was with him.
'Hi, Lucy. I'm Sarah and I'm your nurse for the next while,' she began saying as Lockwood handed me a cup. I took it with my left hand, which was free to move, and gave him a grateful smile. He did return this one. He sat down on a chair beside my bed, crossing his legs and folding his hands in his lap. He looked to the nurse before looking back at me. 'I'm not sure if your friend here has told you anything, but I'll tell you anyways just in case he hasn't.' The nurse continued. 'You have a concussion. Not a mild one, but it's not a bad one either. You need to be resting for the next few weeks. I have told Lockwood that you can not go on a case for the next three weeks.' I groaned. No way was I following that. 'I know, I know, it sucks, but you have to. It's for your own health. You also have many cuts from shrapnel that hit you when your colleagues blew up a playground. We had to give you stitches on your right arm and thigh. Those may take up to a month to fully heal as they were very deep cuts. They may also leave a scar, but nothing too bad.' Nothing seemed to be 'too bad' to this lady. Sure she was nice, but I didn't like that she was telling me to rest and not go on cases. 'You will have to stay in the hospital until tomorrow. We just want to make sure your cuts don't become infected or your concussion doesn't worsen. Sometimes symptoms can appear later, so we will keep you in just in case.' I frowned. I didn't like hospitals. I really didn't want to stay here for a night. 'Well, that is all. If you need anything, just press that green button there and we will be right with you. I'll leave you two to it.' She smiled at both me and Lockwood and then left the room.
I turned my head to look at him and found him grinning at me. I frowned.
'I know you don't like this and your probably not going to listen to her orders, but you do need rest. Okay, Luce?' I rolled my eyes. I wanted to protest, but I knew Lockwood would never let me get away with running away from the hospital. I took a sip of my water and thought about everything nurse Sarah had said. Then a thought struck me.
'Wait. You blew up the playground?' I stared at Lockwood. His grin grew wider.
'Oh yeah. That.' He laughed. 'We kind of became in undated with ghosts after you became unconscious, and George then told us that the playground may have been built on a mass grave.' He shook his head. 'He kept that information from us until the last minute. I love him, but it's times like that where I just throttle him. We ended up having to blow the playground up. Everyone was in a safe spot away from the explosion except for you. George left you when he ran away. He says he forgot for a second before he ran back to you. Unfortunately he didn't get there in time to move you, but it was lucky because otherwise he would have ended up just as cut up as you.' He looked at me, still smiling 'Not lucky for you though.' I tried to hold in my laugh. It wouldn't do my throbbing head any good.
'Wow. Thanks Lockwood. I appreciate that you noticed. Glad you take humor in my pain.' I fake glared at him before smiling. We sat smiling at each other for a while.

Then I took a sip of my water. He looked away. I looked down at my arm to check out the stitches. He cleared his throat. I looked back at him. He looked at me. I gave an awkward smile. He gave one back.

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