Part 20: Biggest Ego Boost Ever

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Lockwood's POV:

Mid morning the next day Lucy, George, and I were all sitting in the living room, drinking tea and each reading something. George read his comic, I read my magazines, and Lucy read a book.

There was a peaceful silence hovering in the room, rain tapped at the windows, and we were all in a good mood thanks to last night's quick and easy job. Holly had taken the day off to visit her grandparents in south London, so it was just us three today and tonight. We only had another small case tonight, some old man needing a garden shed cleared.

The peace was soon broken by the phone ringing. I quickly stood up from my chair, walked to the hallway and grabbed the phone off it's hook.
'Hello, Lockwood and Co. Lockwood speaking.'
'Hello, Mr Lockwood, Sarah here.' A Woman spoke. 'I'm calling from the British Archives. We were just wanting to let you know all the preparations for tomorrrow are in place. Everything is in order and we are looking forward to this new gallery being opened. We have also published two copies of the black case book. The original has been placed in a display case, which we were also hoping to give the privilege of revealing it, to you,' she paused for a second before continuing again. 'We put an article in this mornings paper to get the word out about the ceremony. The event begins at three in the afternoon, but we will need you to arrive about an hour beforehand, no later. Do you have any questions?'
It took me a few seconds to process all the information she had given me.
'Uh, no. No I don't think I do. Thank you so much for this. I can't thank you and the people at the Archives enough. This really is an incredible occasion.'

'Great, well I hope you have a good rest of your day, and we will see you tomorrow. Good day, Mr Lockwood.'

The phone clicked and I knew she had hung up. I placed the phone back on its hook and turned around to walk back into the living room, only to find Lucy and George standing in the doorway, arms folded in front of them. This household really needed to have a talk about eavesdropping in on phone calls.

'What's this "incredible occasion", Lockwood?' George asked skeptically.
'Okay, don't get mad at me, but...' and then I spent the next five minutes explaining to them how this came about.

A month ago, the CEO of the British Archives had phoned and spoken to me, asking how I would feel if they opened a new Gallery named after me in the library. Of course I said yes. You would be crazy to deny such an opportunity. A week ago, they asked if I had any specific things I wanted in this gallery and made a date for the grand opening. And now today they had just confirmed everything was prepared for tomorrow. It was a thrilling experience and I was still in shock that there was going to be a gallery in the British Archives named after me. But I also wasn't surprised since it is me we are talking about.

Somehow this past month I had been able to keep it a secret from the others. And they weren't too happy about it.

'Lockwood!' Lucy smacked my arm, hard. 'How could you keep this from us? This is amazing!' She wrapped her arms around me in a hug.
'Mate, this is incredible! But seriously! Why didn't you tell us?' George yelled.
'Look, I was going to tell yo-'
'When? Tomorrow five minutes before the event?' George interrupted.
'No.' I shook my head. 'Today at some point, but I didn't know if it was definitely tomorrow so...' I scratched the back of my neck, suddenly feeling a little guilty for keeping this from them, and also a little nervous under their very intense stares.
'So you might not have even told us today?' Lucy raised her eyebrows.
'No?' Lucy glared at me. 'Maybe?'
She shook her head and whacked my arm again.
'Your impossible.'
'Yeah but you love me so...' I shrugged and grinned at her. She rolled her eyes at me and gave me a peck on the cheek.

'Oh, so you've said the L word then!' George smirked before turning and walking back into the living room, chuckling to himself. Without having to look at her, I knew Lucy was glaring at him. I turned back to her, suspicions confirmed, and gave her a proper kiss on the lips.
'Sorry for keeping this from you, but I really was going to surprise you guys with the news.'
'Mhmmm. Well, you better phone Holly to tell her,' she patted me on the back before heading towards the stairs. As she took the first step, she turned her head back to me. 'As for me, the dress shops are calling me.'

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