Part 28: Comfort

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Lucy's POV:

I turned around in circles. Piercing screams were coming from every direction, but no matter how hard I pressed my hands to my ears, I could still hear them clear as day.

Where were they coming from?

I was standing in a meadow, grass up to my hips. Anything could sneak up on me and I wouldn't notice. I was going to die. Something was coming for me.

I had already lost Lockwood and George. They had disappeared when we had been running, leaving me all alone. I couldn't take this.

How long until it would be quiet again? How long until I was out of this never ending meadow and could get help?

I began running again, but slowly. I tried forcing my legs to move faster, but it felt like they were stuck in mud. I was running so painfully slow that I may as well have been walking, but my breathing was becoming shallow as if I was sprinting.

My throat closed up. I couldn't breathe. I began to cry, clawing at my throat as if it would help open my airways.

'Lucy!' I heard my name being called in between the loud screams that continued to pierce the air. I turned around.

Mary was standing there. Oh thank God. I ran towards her, yet I was still slow and she seemed to get further and further away, no matter how much distance I covered.

A gunshot.

Mary's white t-shirt bloomed red.

I screamed.


Lockwood's POV:

Lucy's scream sent a shiver through my body. I took no time racing up the stairs and into her room. When I got there, she was thrashing around in her bed, yelling incomprehensible words.
'Lucy! Lucy! Wake up!' I shook her, begging her to open her eyes and get out of this awful nightmare.

Less than a minute later, Mary and George arrived. Mary rushed towards us by the bed while George hung back by the stairs, looking concerned and worried.
'Lucy! Wake the fuck up!' Mary slapped Lucy's cheek. I looked at Mary with shock, but decided if it worked I would be thankful. It did not. Lucy still didn't wake up.

She screamed again, and I swear it broke my eardrums.

'Lucy! Lucy! Wake up!' Mary and I yelled at her. Mary continued to shake her, but nothing worked. We were both so focused on Lucy that we didn't notice George leave the room. It wasn't until he came back holding a cup of water and then proceeded to to throw it on Lucy that we did.
'George! What the hell?' I turned on him. He said nothing only gestured at Lucy, who had now awoken.

She bolted up straight, spluttering and wiping at her wet face and the hair now stuck to it. She looked around at all of us, confused, then her eyes widened. It took a couple of seconds for her to react further, but then she brought her knees up to her chest, head buried in them, and she began shaking.

'Oh, Luce.' I hopped onto the bed next to her and wrapped my arms around her, holding her close. 'It's okay. You're okay now.'

She continued crying for a few minutes, until she eventually looked up at Mary. Her eyes were bloodshot, her face a mix of emotions, but mostly worry and sadness.
'I thought you had died!' She choked out, glancing at Mary and then her fingers that were fidgeting with her sheet.
'Oh, Lucy.' Mary reached for her hand. 'Well I'm here and I'm not dead. You don't have to talk about it, but just know nothing like that's going to happen.'

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