Part 24: Sisters Are Annoying

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Lockwood's POV:

I hung up the phone, after politely telling the caller we were not taking any cases this week, and strolled back into the kitchen. As I did, I looked to Lucy, as I always did whenever I walked in a room she was in, and saw her face drop. Then Mary's words registered in my brain. 'Eleanor got married.'

Mary had guilt written all over her face, and was looking at Lucy, waiting for an answer. But all Lucy did was stare at Mary. I could almost see her brain ticking, melling over the words, making sense of what it meant.

Then all hell broke loose.


Lucy's POV:

'ELEANOR'S WHAT? WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME? WHY WAS I NOT INVITED?' I screeched. In my anger I had shoved my chair back and I was standing, arms flying everywhere.
'Lucy, I'm sorry. I wanted to tell yo-'
'I tried to convince her to invite you, but she said some really shitty things. I'm sorry, Lucy! I really am. But please calm down. We can talk about this without you yelling.' Mary's voice wobbled. I could tell she was sincerely sorry, but it didn't stop her words from hurting.

I hadn't been invited to my own sisters wedding. What the actual fuck. I wanted to scream. I wanted to cry. I wanted to punch something. I wanted to find my eldest sister and shake some sense into her.

'Luce? You okay?' That was Lockwood. I had forgotten he had entered the room. Both me and Mary turned our heads towards him. Taking a deep breath, I tried to calm my voice.
'Yeah. I'm as fantastic as someone can be when they find out they weren't invited to their own sisters wedding.' I gave him a cheesy smile.
'Lucy! Can you please stop with the sarcasm. I said I'm sorry!' Mary cried.
'No! And it doesn't matter anyway.' Mary looked at me with an exasperated expression. I turned back to Lockwood. He was looking at me with an odd look. I'm not sure exactly what it was, but it was a mix between surprise and concern. 'Honestly, I'm fine, Lockwood. You don't have to be here. It's probably best if you're not.' I reached out and squeezed his arm, reassuring him.
'Okay.' He said, but the look he gave me told me he wasn't convinced. He reluctantly left and shut the door behind him.

'Well, what did she say?' I asked. I might have spoken in a less harsh tone, but I was no less mad. I sat back down as she spoke.
'It's probably best if you don't know.' Mary looked everywhere but at me.
'NO! I want to know. If she's going to talk shit, I'm allowed to know what she said.' Mary sighed and looked me right in the eye.
'You can't get mad at me, okay? These are her words, not mine.' I folded my arms and waited for her to continue.

'She said some things along the line of "if she's going to leave us for her new 'better' family, then she doesn't need to celebrate the happy stuff in our life" and "she was a bitch last time, bragging to us about her so much better life. There's no way I want to see her again". I tried to talk some sense into her, but she wouldn't listen. She even threatened to un-invite me when I defended you. I'm really sorry Lucy. I really really am.' Mary looked like a guilty child that had stolen chocolate.

She clearly wasn't telling me the worst of it, but it still took me aback the things she did tell me. Eleanor was clearly just being a jealous, ungrateful, snotty bitch. It made me so unbelievablly mad at her for saying those things. Especially when I was the one that reached out to them, and came and visited them. Not the other way around. And I brought them souvenirs, and yet she still couldn't be happy for me.

'You can stop apologizing, Mary. It's okay, I get that it wasn't you.' I paused, taking a deep breath in preparation for doing something I didn't do a whole lot of - apologizing. 'I probably shouldn't have blanched out at you like that, but I'm just so furious at Eleanor. Sorry.' We stared at each other for a few seconds in silence. Finally, Mary broke it.
'God, this is so sappy isn't it.' She joked. I smiled at her, happy she was lightening the mood a little.
'It is.' I said, nodding in agreement.

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