Part 3: Holly's House

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Lucy's POV:

As soon as the cab stopped outside Holly's apartment building, I flung the door open and ran up 3 flights of stairs to her flat. I probably did this in about 10 seconds, but who's counting anyways? I knocked extremely loudly on her door, and as soon as I heard the click of the lock unlocking, I pushed it open and ran inside.

'Lucy? What are you doing here? Are the boys with you?' Holly turned and poked her head out the door to check but when she saw no one else, she looked at me with a stern look. 'What are you doing, Lucy?'
I was quite out of breath from my running but I tried my best to ignore it, not wanting Holly to fuss over me like I knew she would.
'I just really need to talk to you, Holly.' she seemed surprised at this and began ushering me to a couch in what I assumed was a living room. Her long black hair was tied in a messy bun, but of course her messy bun is perfect. She appeared to be in pajamas which I thought was odd considering how early it was, but I decided not to dwell on it. As she sat down on a grey armchair across from the couch, I continued babbling. 'This is kind of embarrassing - and you can not judge! - but I really needed someone to talk to about it.' Just as I was going to continue, Holly interrupted me.
'Oh my god! Lucy! Did you get your period? Oh it's okay I've got heaps of products here. I can teach you everyth-'

'What? No. No, Holly. I don't have my period. And even if I did that wouldn't be an emergency. I've had it for years. What are you on about?' Shaking my head at Holly's slightly embarrassed face, I continued. ' This is more embarrassing than that. Like, one thousand times worse. And you can not make fun of me, okay? Promise?' I stuck my hand out for a pinky promise, and Holly returned the gesture. She had a confused but intrigued look on her face. I took a deep breath and then began. 'I think I have a bit of a crush on Lockwood and I don't know how to feel about it. I feel stupid cause I don't want to ruin our friendship, but also I can't exactly stop liking him. Can I? Maybe I can. But it would still be awkward until I do. You know you're a girl and your the only girl friend I have and I was hoping you could help me with this. I mean, I know your a lesbian and all, but surely liking girls and guys is the same?' I had said it all in a rush and stopped finally to look at Holly. She had a funny look on her face, and as she noticed me looking at her, she smiled. But it wasn't a kind smile. It was a I know something you don't and I'm trying hard not to laugh at you right now smile.

'What?' I asked.
'Oh nothing, Lucy. Just that,' she paused before yelling, 'Why did it take you so long to realise? Oh my God! Of course you like Lockwood! You have for ages. I don't know how you're only just realising now but jeez, Luce. It's incredible how oblivious you are. Like, your incredibly smart, but not with relationships apparently.' I don't know what my face looked like, but I'm sure it was bright red with embarrassment, with a hint of confusion. 'Oh don't look so befuddled, Lucy. It's very obvious. Or to me and George it is anyway.' My eyes widened and Holly laughed. 'It's okay though. I think Lockwood is just as oblivious as you are. Makes you two a perfect match really.' She stood up as she spoke and walked over to her kitchen. 'Would you like a cup of tea?' She asked me. I nodded my head and then sat there thinking about what she had said. Was it really that obvious? Have I actually liked him for longer than what I thought?

A couple minutes later Holly handed me my tea in a bright blue mug. She carried her own tea in a matching cup back to her armchair. Of course she had matching tea mugs. It was such a Holly thing that it made me smile a little. Holly didn't notice as she was looking the other way. I sat there, drinking my tea awkwardly, trying to think of what to say. Eventually Holly spoke up.
'Well, you came here for advice so I will give it to you.' She took a sip of her tea before setting it down on a grey coaster that matched her armchair. 'Even though, yes I do only like and date girls, I did date a guy once and boys are funny with emotions. I probably shouldn't tell you this but I do think Lockwood likes you back.' I shook my head. Why would he like me back?
'The thing is though, you have to be a bit bold when you want to let a guy know you like them. They are so oblivious for no reason. You can't be subtle. You have to exaggerate everything. And I mean everything!

'You also should try to get more one on one time with him. If George is constantly with you, it will not help. Especially if you two end up having a moment and he is right there. He would never let the two of you here the end of it.' I nodded in agreement with the George thing. It was probably a good thing he is always busy with his cooking or his studying for cases or his book. 'You could also ask Lockwood more questions about himself.' Holly looked at me. 'I know he doesn't much enjoy talking about his past, but you don't have to ask about that. You can ask about his present self or what he plans for the future. Maybe what his favourite colour is. Just stem some ideas from there. I'm sure Lockwood would love to talk to you about himself.' I laughed. Lockwood loves to flatter himself to others. I'm sure he spends half the day waiting for others to bring up something to do with himself just so he can go on and on about it. He's one of those people who just loves the sound of his voice. If I'm totally honest, I don't blame him. His voice is nice.

Holly gave me a few more suggestions before taking another sip of her tea.
We sat there in silence for a while. I had finished my tea a while ago, so I just fiddled with my cup while Holly finished hers. I thought back to all she had said and a thought came to me.
'Before. You said you had dated a guy. When was that?'
Holly looked at me as if to check I wasn't about to make some weird comment before saying, 'When I was about 14 my whole friend group started going on dates. There was a guy, his name was Joseph, and he liked me. A lot, almost too much. Anyway, I thought I liked him because, well, why shouldn't I? All my friends liked guys and had boyfriends. He liked me, so I should like him, right?' I just nodded my head not entirely sure what to say. She continued, 'He asked me out, so I said yes of course. We went on a few dates and when he tried to kiss me I got scared and blocked him. And that was when I realised that it wasn't just him I didn't like. I didn't like boys at all. I ended things with him which he wasn't too happy about. I haven't seen him in years, which is good considering he was a homophobic arsehole.' She gave a little laugh at that. I laughed a little too, knowing all too well about homophobia. She looked at me then said, 'So yeah. I did date a guy, but not because I liked him. I am definitely not into guys, that is for sure!' I smiled at her and she smiled back. Then, looking up at the kitchen clock, I realised how late it was.
'Oh shit. I'm so sorry, Holly. I've really got to go. Thank you so much though. You've been a huge help. I know we don't really talk much, but I've really appreciated it. Especially since it was out of the blue.' I stood up and rushed to the door. I opened it myself and was about to leave when Holly spoke.
'Lucy,' I stopped and turned around in the doorway to face her. 'It was nice for you to come over, and I'm glad you could trust me enough to ask me for advice. You should come around more often. I'm sure being stuck with the boys all the time is painful. And if you came over more, you could meet my room mate, Lily. She would love you, Lucy.' I smiled at her. It did sound like a nice idea, but it probably would never work out. I turned to leave again just as Holly said, 'Be careful, Lucy. Make sure you get a cab cause it's dark now.' I smiled at her again as I closed the door, seeing her return one.

Then I got a cab and went back to 35 Portland Row.

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