4. Coven Initiation

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"Good morning, everyone," Lilith smiled as she greeted the crowd. "Today we honor two students who have worked very hard over the last six years. Year round work and on the job training has allowed these two protégés to accelerate their learning and show just how fast the witch's mind can learn." Cheers erupted from the crowd. Once they'd quieted, Lilith continued. "I am so proud of these two students and all that they have accomplished. Today they will receive their coven sigils and join the ranks of their covens."

Josefin let out a low breath and they glanced at their best friend. At only 15, Hunter and Josefin were the youngest students to graduate the Emporor's Coven's accelerated courses despite being only weeks away from each of their 16th birthdays. Neither wanted to look nervous infront of the crowd.

The heads of every coven stepped foward with their sigil gloves.

"Today," Lilith said proudly, "these two young minds will state the coven of their choice, including both being offered spaces in the Emperor's Coven."

The crowd roared. It was expected that both would enter the Emperor's Coven and the choice was a formality. That's what the program was for, after all. Josefin, however, had a different plan.

"First is the top potions student, Emporor's Belos' nephew,  Hunter Wittebane." Lilith pulled on the Emperor's Coven glove.

Hunter stepped foward spinning his staff. "I thank you for your guidance in my learning, Coven Head Clawthorne. It is thanks to your guidance, and that of my mentor, Abomination Coven Head Darius Deamonne, that I choose the Emperor's Coven." He knelt down in front of Lilith and offered his wrist.

Lilith set the glove on his wrist and the sigil appeared. "Rise, Hunter," Lilith said, "and welcome to the Emperor's Coven."

Hunter stepped back beside Josefin with a determined look.

"Next is top bardic student, child of Coven Head Clawthorne," Lilith looked excited, "Josefin Clawthorne!" Lilith pulled on the Emperor's Coven glove again.

Josefin stepped foward spinning their staff the same as Hunter. "I thank you for your guidance in my learning, Coven Head Clawthorne. It is thanks to your guidance, and that of my mentor, Bard Coven Second Raine Whispers, that I choose the Bard Coven." They knelt down in front of Coven Head Scooter Crane and offered their wrist.

Everyone seemed shocked. Scooter looked at Lilith who gave a quick, resigned nod of permission. Scooter set the glove on Josefin's wrist and the sigil appeared.

"Rise, Josefin," Scooter said, "and welcome to the Bard Coven."

Josefin stepped back beside a highly surprised Hunter with a smile on their face.

Lilith handed off the glove to an Emperor's Coven guard and raised her hand in a fist to show her own sigil. "It is my honor to present the newest members of the Emperor's Coven and the Bard Coven."

Hunter and Josefin simultaneously raised their sigils to show the crowd.


Lilith closed the door of her house behind Raine and Josefin before rounding on the teen. "Why in the Titan's name did you not choose the Emperor's Coven?!"

"I don't like the Emperor's Coven," Josefin said. "They force wild witches into covens and I don't want to be a part of that. I want to recruit for a coven my way."

"I should have known you'd do something like this! I need to cool down." Lilith stopped off towards her room.

"I'm proud of you kiddo," Raine said with a smile.

"Thank you, Nini." Josefin hugged Raine with a smile.


Raine and Josefin sat drinking tea in a rundown hidden shack that Josefin had claimed as a clubhouse in the frequent absences of their mother during childhood.

"Who's he to say who gets to use what magic?" Josefin complained about the Emperor.

Raine put down their tea cup. "The Boiling Isles was born from the flesh and bones of a fallen Titan. This original magic was so potent, all life on the Isles evolved to wield magic too. For years, we explored those power freely. Until, a mysterious witch appeared who declared that he, and he alone, could speak to the island. He said that we were using magic all wrong. His teachings took hold, his strength grew, and he became Emperor Belos. Belos said that mixing magic was wrong, that only he had that right. So he created the coven system. And there, our knowledge was restricted, and our potential sealed away. Those who resist are called wild witches, and they face harsh punishment. Emperor Belos has since retreated into his castle. There are whispers that say he's planning something big."

Josefin looked at Raine. "Do you know what he's planning, Nini?"

"No," Raine said. "But I don't much like it."

Josefin looked at their tea. "Are we going to do something about it?"

"There are rumors of Coven Head Scooter preparing for retirement and making me Coven Head. When that happens," Raine smiled, "I will make you my second. We will take down the Emperor from inside his own system."

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