17. The Clouds Gather

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The group snuck into the factory disguised as emperor's coven scouts under an illusion spell cast by Gus, leaving King on watch. Inside the Blight Industries' factory they watched as Kikimora and Odalia approached a large sheet covered and spot lighted object.

"For the last time," Kikimora complained. "I'm not interested in your dumb gadgets."

"You might want to reconsider." Odalia smiled as she removed the sheet from an abomination mech suit. "Introducing the Abomatron. It's 700 snorsepower, has two fairy-powered jet packs, and comes in several shades of lilac." Kikimora gasped with sparkling eyes as Odalia lifted her up to the Abomatron's pilot seat. "I outfitted this one specially for you."

Kikimora laughed maniacally. "I'm taller than everyone!" Kikimora tried out the controls, making the Abomatron punch and kick.

Amity nudged Luz's arm and pointed to a door in the back of the room. "That's my dad's workroom."

The group ran to the door and Luz peered through the window. "It looks empty... And really sad."

Odalia suddenly walked up behind the group with her hands on her hips. "Ahem. These rooms are off-limits."

"Follow my lead." Hunter whispered. "Mrs. Blight!" He saluted her. Luz attempted to as well but fumbled the salute when she hit the mask. "Kikimora told us of your products. Such inventions would be invaluable assets to the Emperor's Coven."

"Yeah," Luz said, "and we are all about invaluable assets."

Gus nodded. "Can't get enough of 'em."

"I'm an asset gal myself," Willow said.

Hunter shoved Gus away. "I apologize for the trouble. We'll return to our duties."

As they try to walk away, the Abomatron blocked their path. "I thought I recognized that annoying voice." The group gasped and tried to run towards the main exit, but were blocked by an Abomaton and a real Coven Scout.

The Coven Scout cracked his knuckles. "Sorry, man."

Gus tripped over a pipe as they tried to run, accidentally dissipating the group's Coven Scout disguise illusions. Now revealed, they turned around to see Odalia and Kikimora staring at them with equally stern faces. Odalia snapped her fingers and abomination goo pulled each of the teens hands behind their backs.

"Shit," Josefin muttered from behind their bats mask.

"Now to find out who this traitor is," Kikimora said grabbing the ear of the bat mask with the Abomatron. "The last of the bats is..." The mask pulled uncomfortably at Josefin's hair and ears as Kikimora ripped it off their head. "Bardic Second Clawthorne? I should have known. Your whole family is a bunch of traitors. Even your Nini Raine."

"What are you talking about Kikimora?" Josefin questioned pointedly. "I'd never tell a coven head, not even Nini Raine, what I was up to. The BATs were my idea."

"Oh, I don't doubt that," Kikimora said as she walked away.


Three Abomatons guarded the outside of a glowing pink dome the group was trapped in. The teens all glared as Odalia paced nearby.

"Odalia, is my airship ready?" Kikimora asked.

"Just about," Odalia said smugly. "And I found two adorable little scoundrels trying to steal it." Abomatrons were carrying off Edric and Emira toward the manor. "But they'll be dealt with."

"Edric!" Amity called, "Emira!"

"Don't worry, they'll just be grounded." Odalia smiled. "With maximum security."

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