9. A Bad Day 3: A Not-So Bad End

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Josefin arrived at the mouth of Eclipse Lake just as Hunter did. "Golden Guard!" they yelled, jumping from their staff. This was as much a threat as a plea for their former best friend to listen.

Hunter turned back to them. "Josefin, I have to do this!"

"Have to, Hunter?" Josefin asked, angry at the thought. "We learned about these tunnels together!" Josefin yelled as they threw their arms wide to indicate the tunnels. "This is a fool's errand! And I know neither of us are fools!"

"Then why are you here?" Hunter taunted.

"I'm here so no one gets hurt! I'm here because we were taught that we have a responsibility to our families as much as my coven!" Josefin pulled their hands dramatically to their chest. "I'm here because I knew I was invited on a fool's errand and wanted to help my family anyway! You seem to think you'll succeed when we both know that won't happen!"

"I have responsibility too, Josefin!" Hunter yelled. "To my coven and to the Emperor!"

"Emperor Belos doesn't send you on failing missions, Hunter!"

"I wasn't sent of this mission! Kikimora was!"

"Kikimora..." Josefin paused, stopping the fight. They'd just realized what was happening. This fools errand was a desperate plan to try to keep the Emperor happy. Josefin felt their heart twinge at the thought. They rubbed their face, having trouble holding back all the emotions that were building. "Hunter, do you know what's going on? The Emporor's plan?" Josefin's eyes started to water. "Do you know what's happening with Nini Raine?"

"Something's wrong with Nini?" Hunter asked in surprise.

Josefin made tight fists with both hands as they glared past Hunter towards the far wall. Between Hunter and the wall was an empty lake bed. "A fool's errand..." Josefin wiped away their tears and took a deep, shaky breath. Their voice was steady as Josefin said, "Hunter, why do you think you were taken off of this assignment?"

"I wasn't put on it because I failed to bring the Emperor more palismen." Hunter said but his voice sounded less sure.

"You're wrong." Josefin wiped at their face. "Emperor Belos put Kikimora on this because she's a good fall guy. We both know she's pretty much useless! She is to blame for the biggest failures of the coven, right? You're the success story, the Golden Guard!" Josefin chuckled in frustration. "Hunter, just... look. There is nothing here." Hunter turned to look at Eclipse Lake. All that was left was an empty lake bed. "This place was emptied years ago."

"No..." Hunter fell to his knees. "No it can't be."

"Hunter," Josefin said, sitting a few feet away. "What happened? You... we used to get along so well. You used to be my best friend..." Post graduation work had started to take up so much time for each of the teens and relationships of any kind can be hard to maintain when things get busy. "...my only friend."

Hunter started to cry as he stared at the empty ground, tears patting softly in the dirt. "You're still my only friend." There was silence for a second before Hunter started clawing at the ground. "How fitting that you'll be to only one to witness my funeral."

"What?" Josefin looked at Hunter.

Hunter began digging with more speed. "I can't go back empty-handed so have a great life with your weird family... and only cry for me for like a day. Actually, make it two. Just so people really know that someone cared about me." At that point, Amity and King reached Eclipse Lake. Amity checked the map and lowered it to look at Hunter digging with a puzzled expression. Hunter glanced up at her. He sounded resigned as he said, "Don't worry. I won't pick a fight." He continued digging. "There's no Titan Blood."

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