21. Human Realm

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Luz took a deep breath and knocked on the door. Josefin kept one hand on Hunter's shoulder comfortingly as he comforted Gus. Despite his braver face, Josefin was good at reading their found-family brother and he was just as scared.

Camila Noceda opened it and gasped in shock to find the six teens looking disheveled out in the rain, as Luz looked up at her with tear filled eyes. "Hey, Mom," Luz's voice cracked. "I'm back."

Camila stared for a moment in disbelief before hugging Luz, both crying.


Camila had quickly pulled the teens out of the rain and found them dry clothes so they wouldn't get sick. Camila offered Josefin a pair of shorts and a tank top.

"Uh..." Josefin looked at their wrist when they could see the burn scarring and sigil. Josefin brought their wrist to their chest. "I'm sorry, ma'am, but do you have anything with long sleeves?"

"Oh-" Camila brought her hand to her mouth. "Si niño." She walked into another room.

Josefin had not had time to find the extent of the scars but the ones going from the middle of their forearm to the wrapping on their broken hand looked serious. They just didn't want to show them off yet.

Camila returned with a pair of tie-able sweatpants and a long sleeve button up night shirt for Josefin. "Here you are, niño. Please don't hesitate to talk to me, Josefin."

Josefin nodded as they took the clothes and went to the bathroom. Josefin changed their pants first then took off their coven vest. The wet red linen shirt clung tight to Josefin's skin. Josefin undid the buttons slowly and took a deep breath as they pulled the shirt off their shoulders. On the right side of their chest, the scars reached from their shoulder towards their heart. The scars hadn't reached the space of Josefin's chest that covered their heart and they were glad for that. Josefin slid the shirt off of their arms. They stared in the mirror at the intricate latticing that covered their right arm, following their veins. "I should have stopped sooner..." Josefin rubbed their hand along the scars with a deep breath. "I hope..." Josefin drew a spell circle that glowed brightly but fizzled out as Josefin pulled away with a quick "Ow!" Josefin pulled away because of the burning pain that running magic through their body had created once again. Josefin wondered if, despite the scars not reaching their heart, the draining spell had reached their bile sack and corrupted their magic. They hoped it was actually just scaring in their veins that made the magic hard rather than the bile sack. Only one of those things could be fixed over time.

A knock came at the door. "Jo?" Camila asked. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, ma'am," Josefin said, pulling on the too big night shirt before opening the door. "I just caught my hand weird."

"Your hand- Dios mío, niño! Your hand is broken!" Camila carefully grabbed Josefin's hand. "And this scarring!"

"Yeah," Josefin rubbed their neck. "I broke it about a week ago. I had some healing runes in my pocket but they got wet and won't work now..."

"Ay... looks like you'll have to recover the old fashioned way." Camila gathered Josefin's clothes. "Wait in the kitchen with the others."

Josefin nodded, glad they didn't have to make any decisions now that there was a real adult around.


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