Chapter 25: A Sacrifice

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"'re positive?" Boromir asked with tears in his eyes at hearing the name.

Celeste looked at him with teary eyes matching his own, "You heard me ask it twice. Gandalf, they said Gandalf."

"Holy...How is this even possible? You didn't...did you?"

"No!" A laugh escaped her lips as she shook her head, "Heavens no. I need contact with the body and has to be at least a day within the death. I didn't do this."

"How...What else happened? Ask it! What happened? Where are the hobbits? The others? ...Where is Gandalf now?" 

"Gandalf entrusted Treebeard to protect Merry and Pippin...they headed North. The White Wiz-Gandalf, waited here knowing the others would come by. He encountered them, they too had been expected Saruman. You can imagine their surprise. Gandalf told them to not worry about the Hobbits and to go with him for they had other matters to attend to...Gimli was going to carve a trail into the trees for us to follow but Gandalf told him not to. It would upset and hurt the trees. Gandalf said...We would not be following them as our path would lead us elsewhere before it would leave back to them."

"Isengard." Boromir concluded.

"To save Dur." Celeste agreed backing away from the tree after thanking it.

"What now Your Highness?" 

"Now? Now we make camp and get a good night's sleep. I need to check in with Aether and Nether...if I killed them-"

"You can't blame yourself for that. You're still getting control of your abilities."

"Doesn't mean I didn't do it though. If I didn't kill them, what if they hate me? What if they don't want me back there? They're the closest thing to family I have now, either way I lost them."

"Ooor, they'll forgive you because they know you didn't mean to do it."

Sighing she ran a hand through her hair, "Whatever the outcome, I won't know till I sleep. Stamp out the torch, I can feel the tension of the trees, they truly hate it. There will be no fire tonight. It's not so cold, we should be fine." 

He obeyed and stamped the torch light out. While he didn't have Celeste's connection with the trees, even he could almost feel the breath the forest seemed to let out now that the fire was gone. Celeste sat against the tree she had been talking with and closed her eyes, "Good night Boromir. I'd advised sleeping as far from the trees as you can. They hate visitors."

"And you? Sleeping practically on top of one?"

"I'm an Elemental and an Etheral, they trust me. They know I won't harm them."

"Very well." He took a spot in the center of the clearing, as far from any tree as her could get while not being too far from her. He laid down and closed his eyes, but sleep was slow to take over.

Taking deep breaths through her nose, she focused all her attention on the detail of the clearing with the willow and creek where she had trained for fourteen years. She focused her intent on seeing Aether and Nether again and sleep took her quickly, taking her to the mind space she begged to visit.

Once more she was under the canopy of the weeping willow. Taking a deep breath she stepped out from the leaves, searching for her ancestors.

"Aether? Nether?" She called out softly, half of her wanting to see them to make sure they were alright, while the other half almost wished they wouldn't show up so she could avoid seeing the disappointment and betrayl on their faces.

"Celeste!" Nether's voice rang out from further in the forest that surrounded the clearing. He came rushing out of the woods. Wide eyed, he ran up to her, "Are you alright?"

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