Chapter 4: The Council

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        Celeste and Durmragha were the first ones there, minus Elrond who was there first to greet his guest. The elf smiled at the small girl.

        "Did you sleep good? How is the dress? I hope it fits you well." Elrond smiled at the purple dress the princess had put on.

        "We slept fine, thank you. And the dress...I hate it. I can barely move around in it, what if I have to fight someone?" Elrond noticed the small knife that hung to her waist by the black ribbon tied around her, "And this crown thing keep falling off. It's annoying." Celeste pouted taking off the silver band, that had an intricate pattern in the middle with a purple gem, off her head.

        Elrond smiled and put the small crown back on her head, making sure it stayed, "There. Like a true princess. Now go find a seat. The others should be arriving soon."Celeste smiled boldly at being called a princess, and took a seat at the very end, next to a small wooden table. Durmragha stood behind her protectively. The next guest to arrive was Legolas, followed by about 20 elves.

        "Legolas!" Celeste exclaimed and got up from her seat. He smiled when he saw her and quickly hugged her.

        "It is good to see you Celeste. I did not know you were going to be here. I am glad you are." Legolas smiled at the orc, "Hello Durmragha. I hope you have protecting the Little Lady." Dur nodded and Legolas smiled. The elves around him were on their guard and it was clearly obvious, "Calm down everyone. Durmragha is not like other orcs, he is on our side." The elves did not relax even an inch as they picked a spot on the opposite side of the room. Celeste shrugged and sat back down smiling up at Dur.

        The next guest to arrive was Gimli, the dwarf, he had about ten other dwarves with him and they all instantly armed themselves as they saw the giant orc, "One got in! Dwarves get ready to attack!" Gimli ordered.

        "You will do no such thing!" Celeste yelled and stood up, blocking the dwarves way, "He is my family! You will not harm him unless you want to meet an early grave."

        The dwarves laughed, "How can a human be family with an orc? They're evil! And do you really think that you little human girl can defeat us?" The ground suddenly began to shake as Celeste's anger got the best of her.

        "Stand down Gimli." A new voice entered the room, the ranger, Aragorn, had entered the room, "She is no human. She is an Elemental."

        "That's impossible, all Elementals are dead." The human Boromir chimed in as he entered.

        "All but one. Celeste Harnaril. The last Elemental." Aragorn corrected.

        "How do you know who I am, when I don't know you?" Celeste asked crossing her arms.

        "One hears many things in the woods. Like a young girl and an orc cleaning up the ruins of the Elemental Kingdom. Any other Elemental would have left it behind, but not someone it means a lot to, like the princess. And there was only one princess, her name was Celeste." Aragorn smirked as he sat down. Lastly Gandalf and Frodo joined the group. Frodo nearly pissed himself at the sight of the giant orc. The whole room, minus a selected few, were ready to draw their weapons if the orc so much as sneezed. Elrond stepped forward and began addressing the council.

        "Strangers from distant lands, friends of old. You have been summoned here to answer the threat of Mordor. Middle-earth stands upon the brink of destruction. None can escape it. You will unite...or you will fall. Each race is bound to this fate, this one doom." Elrond turned to the Hobbit, "Bring forth the ring, Frodo." Frodo slowly moved forward and placed the ring an a stone table before returning to his seat. Celeste felt her own ring heat up at the sight of the Ring of Power, she always felt Dur tense up. She reached behind her and grabbed his hand.

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