Chapter 14: The Woods of Lothlorien

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The Fellowship tumbled out of the Great Eastern Gate on to a grassy sunlit hillside. Sam, Merry, and Pippin fell to the ground slowly as they sob. Dur looked down at Celeste and cried holding the young girl tightly. He had never seen her that bad before, he feared for her life. Legolas moved over to Durmragha, reached out for Celeste, and the orc moved back a little not wanting anyone to touch his little companion.

"Legolas, get them up!" Aragorn commanded.

"Give them a moment, for pity's sake!" Boromir argued.

"By nightfall these hills will be swarming with Orcs! We must reach the woods of Lothlorien. Come, Boromir, Legolas, Gimli, get them up. On your feet, Sam." Aragorn grabbed Sam's arm and forced him to stand, "Durmragha, how is she?"

"Bad." Dur answered in a whimper as he noticed that her breathing was getting even slower, "Need elf heal." He knew that the elves were the most skilled with medicine.

"That's where we're headed." Aragorn said as he looked at Frodo. The hobbit was walking away, as if he was in a daze, "Frodo? Frodo!" Aragorn touched his arm. Frodo slowly turned around, a look of numb shock on his devastated face, "Come on Frodo, we must get going. Gandalf didn't die in vain, we must get the ring and you to safety to make sure it stay that way." Frodo merely nodded and the Fellowship marched on.

Eventually the Fellowship ran across a forest floor with yellow flowers, above them was a roof of golden leaves, held by the trunks of huge grey trees that looked like silver pillars.

"Stay close, young hobbits, they say a Sorceress lives in these woods. An elf-witch of terrible power. All who look upon her fall under her spell. And are never seen again! Well, here's one dwarf she won't ensnare so easily. I have the eyes of a hawk and the ears of a fox! Who knows what she'll do when she finds out we brought an orc into her land."

"Durmragha is not like other orcs." Pippin spoke up in defense of him.

"Frodo's sword didn't even glow in his presence." Legolas added.

"I wonder why that is. Even Celeste said it was weird." Merry put in. The Fellowship quickly stops as arrows were lowered into the faces, they were surrounded by armed elves. Haldir, the Elvish captain stepped forward and looked at the dwarf with disdain and the orc in complete disgust.

"The dwarf breathes so loud we could have shot him in the dark. And the orc shakes the whole forest with a single step. Why have you brought such foulness into our forest?" Haldir spoke.

Aragorn stepped forward and began to speak in Elvish, "Haldir of Lorien, we come here for your help. We need your protection."

"And yet you bring an orc when you ask for help and protection? Is he not the very creature you need protection from?" Haldir spat.

"Aragorn! These woods are perilous. We should go back." Gimli advised.

"You have entered the realm of the Lady of the Wood. You cannot go back." Haldir warned as the elves pulled their bow strings tighter.

"Please, our companion is dying." Legolas spoke up gesturing to Celeste still bleeding from her nose, mouth, and ears, and growing paler by the minute, "She's only a child!"

"Why should we care for a human child?"

"She is not a human." Boromir came to the young girl's aid, "She is Princess Celeste Harnaril of the Harnaril Kingdom, the last Elemental. She is dying because she tried to save this orc's life, and this orc has watched over this little girl for four years. He is a friend." Haldir's eyes went wide as he stared down at the little girl, "Sting does not even glow in his presence! Is that not proof enough that he has no evil intentions?" Boromir grabbed Frodo's sword and showed the elves that the sword was in fact not glowing, even when Boromir touched it to Durmragha's skin the sword did not glow.

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