Chapter 26: Road to Isengard

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As the sun's rays slowly drifted above the horizon Celeste's eyes blinked open. Her body felt heavy, she was exhausted. The toll on her body was more than she expected. Attempting to stand, she found herself not only held back by the tiredness of her body but the weight of another. Boromir's arms clung tightly to Celeste as if he dare not let go in fear that she may disappear. Celeste's face grew red hot as she tried to imagine all the different scenerios that led to this, and all were embarrassing. 

"Boromir." She whispered lightly and shook his arm, trying to rouse him. He grunted slight but did not seem to stir. "Boromir!" Louder this time, Celeste also summoned a small ball of water, dropping it on his head.

"Wha-!" He shook with a start, his arms letting Celeste free. She rolled away slightly before pushing herself into a sitting position, just doing that much, winded her, "Celeste? What in heavens name was that for?" He shook the wet hair from his eyes as he stood.

"You wouldn't wake up...and I was uncomfortable." She mumbled the last part, but he heard it.

It was Boromir's time to blush as he realized how their position could have looked, "I apologize. You...You started screaming in your sleep last night. I tried to wake you, but to no avail. I...I wanted to offer some comfort, in anyway I could."

"I-I see. I am sorry for worrying you. And thank you...for trying to help."

"May I ask...what happened?"

"I almost killed Aether, she was fading. I had to give up my ability to give life to save her. It hurt more than I thought it would." Celeste answered honestly, seeing no reason to lie.

"I see." Boromir misunderstood Celeste's meaning, thinking she meant she would no longer be able to bring people back from the dead as she had done to him, "Well, I won't question you. If you believed that to be a worthy sacrfice than it was."

"Thank you Boromir."

"I did nothing to warrant a thank you."

"You...You've been here for me, no matter what. That means a lot to me. Thank you."

"Well then, thank you as well. For the same." The pair smiled at each other for a moment. It was Boromir who broke eye contact first as he cleared his throat, "Yes, we should get going. To Isengard, then?"

"Slowly, I'm afraid. I am...worn out from last night. Will you help me stand?" She offered her hand to him, he grabbed it, pulling her up onto her feet.

"How are you feeling?"


"We'll go at your pace." She nodded in agreement.

For three days the pair moved through the woods at a slow and steady pace. They talked of many things, growing closer and closer on their journey. Celeste learned of Boromir's desire to have a large family one day. Boromir learned of Celeste's dream to create a kingdom, not just for Elementals, but for everyone. She learned more of Faramir, his brother. Boromir learned of Anders, her betrothed, a noble man's son who was ten years older than her at the time. He was more of an older brother to her though. They talked of nothing and everything, becoming better friends by the day.

On the fourth night, the pairing emerged into a large clearing. Hundreds of trees, having been cut down made the tower of Isengard very obvious and all the more menacing as fire and large holes surrounded the landscape around it. As the two of them took in the sight before them, there was a rumbling from behidn them in the trees. They watched in astonishment as a large tree seemed to emerge from the forest, and on top him sat two small hobbits. 

"Pippin! Merry!" Celeste exclaimed, making her way towards them, but Boromir held her back in case the large moving tree was dangerous. 

"Boromir!" The cousins yelled in surprise from atop their friend, they could have sworn he had died when he tried to save them from the orcs. 

"" The tree spoke slowly, but with a rage that made the ground tremble, ""

"I'm sorry Treebread." Pippin spoke.

"We are no allies to Saruman. We are allies to the two hobbits sitting atop you. My name is Boromir, this is-"

"Celeste Harnaril. I'm an Elemental, our people once lived side by side Ent."


"Celeste?" Merry echoed as he began climbing down Treebeard's body, "What happened to you?"

"Why do you look so different?" Pippin added.

"It's a long story, and right now we need to focus on getting to Saruman. He still has Dur." Celeste said, "What are you doing here? I thought Gandalf told Treebeard to protect you, why bring you here?"

"Pippin told him it'd be safer to pass right by Isengard, as Saruman wouldn't expect it." Merry explained, "But now..." He looked up at their large wooden friend who had tears in his eyes as he surveyed the ground around them.

"They...had...voices...of...their...own." He looked towards the tower with a glare, "Saruman...A...wizard...should...know...better." He let out a roar that shook the forest behind them, "!" The four people watched in awe as Ents began emerging from the tree line, marching towards Isengard.

"Yes!" Merry exclaimed. Treebeard picked up the two hobbits once more, and a weeping willow-esq ent came and allowed Boromir and Celeste to climb on top of him. 

"!" Treebeard rallied as the march began.

"This is really happening." Boromir said in astonishment.

"This is really happening!" Celeste echoed with a wide smile on her face. She heard stories of Elementals and Ents once living and working side by side, being protectors of nature, but when Elementals began to live more like the race of man, Ents were left to protect nature alone. Now here they were once more, working side by side to bring down an enemy to nature. Celeste embraced the feeling of belonging among the Ents, ready for battle. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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