Chapter 10: Walls of Moria

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It took the Fellowship a day and a half to get off of the Pass of Caradhras and down to the entrance of the mine. The Fellowship walked along the far shore of dark lake, surrounded by cliffs and large trees sprouting out of the stone.

"The walls of Moria!" Gimli looked around in awe, this being the first time he has been to the Mines of Moria.

"Watch you step Dur." Celeste warned as they stepped on the narrow strip of green and slippery stones, until they reached the smooth rock wall between the trees. Gandalf walked up to the rock wall and placed his hand on it, slowly faint lines appear like slender vines of luminous silver running through the stone.

" mirrors only starlight and moonlight." Gandalf observed, as the large moon rose above the mountains. The lines grew broader and clearer forming a glowing arch of interlacing ancient letters and symbols.

"What does it say?" The young princess asked, looking over the now clear writing above the archway.

Gandalf turned to face the group, "It reads, 'The door of Durin, Lord of Moria. Speak, friend, and enter.' "

"What do you suppose that means?" Merry questioned.

"It's quite simple. If you are a friend, speak the password and the door will open." Gandalf explained, then raised his arms, "Annon edhellen, edro hi ammen!" The Fellowship watched in silence for a few minutes, nothing happened.

"Well isn't that nice." Boromir mumbled.

"Just give me a minute, I'll get it." Gandalf insisted, and he tried another spell. Still no change in the door. Everyone realized that it was going to take a while and went about their own business while they waited.

Sam watched sadly as Aragorn unsaddled Bill the pony, "Mines are no place for a pony, even one as brave as Bill." Aragorn told Sam, and Sam mumbled a goodbye to Bill, "Go on, Bill, go on. Don't worry, Sam, he knows his way home." Aragorn slapped Bill on the rump and Bill trotted off.

"Wanna see who can throw the farthest?" Pippin asked his cousin as he picked up a rock and he threw it into the lake.

"You're on!" Merry accepted the challenge and threw a rock as well. Celeste moved a little away from them and placed her hand on top of the water. Dur watched her quietly. Celeste closed her eyes and focused on the ripples being caused by the rocks. Celeste wanted to try to make the water completely still, even with the rocks being thrown into them. The Elemental smiled when she felt the water go still and opened her eyes, but frowned when she saw that she wasn't the cause of it. Aragorn had grabbed into Pippin's arm making both Merry and Pippin stop.

"Do not disturb the water." Aragorn warned watching the water anxiously. He exchanged a look with Boromir and both of their hands crept towards their swords. Celeste, with her hand still on the water, could sense the water being moved from something under the surface. She quickly backed away, pulling Durmragha with her.

"We should try to figure this riddle out quickly. I felt something under the water, something big." Celeste advised as the others looked at her. Legolas walked over to her and pulled her even further from the water.

"Are you okay? You shouldn't try to use your abilities so much." He was worried for her. He cared for the young princess.

"That's just it!" Frodo suddenly exclaimed with a smile on his face, "It is a riddle, like Celeste said. Speak, friend, and enter. What's the Elvish word for friend?"

With raised eyebrows, Gandalf answered Frodo's question, "Mellon." With that word spoke, the arch silently divided in the middle and two great doors swung outwards to reveal a blackness deeper than the night. The Fellowship gathered at the doorway and warily stepped into the darkness of Moria. Celeste still a little wary of what could be under the lake.

"So, master elf, you will enjoy the fabled hospitality of the dwarves; roaring fires, malt beer, red meat off the bone. This, my friend, is the home of my cousin, Balin, and they call this a Mine." Gimli explained then snorted, "A mine!"

"Mutton?" Durmragha asked as Gandalf's staff slowly lit up the chamber.

"Oh yes, orc, all the mutton you could eat..." Gimli started off speaking proudly but he trailed off as the light revealed what was in the chamber. The Fellowship recoiled in horror. Many dwarf skeletons were strewn about, clearly they had been dead for some time. The remnants of an old battle were visible, rusted armor and shields were peppered with arrows and axes.

"This is no mine. It's a tomb!" Boromir exclaimed.

Gimli fell to his knees in horror, "Oh, no, no, no!"

Legolas walked over to one of the skeletons and pulled out a crude arrow, "Goblins." He said with disgust. Everyone drew their swords and started to back away, towards the entrance.

"We make for the Gap of Rohan. We should never have come here." Boromir snapped. Celeste opened her mouth to agree with him but all that came out was a scream as she was suddenly pulled to the ground and out of the mine. A tentacle had wrapped around her ankle and was dragging her towards the lake.

"Dur!" She screamed and he charged after her his axed raised. The orc roared as he brought his axe down and cut the tentacle, freeing Celeste from it. Durmragha grabbed Celeste by the arm and quickly pulled up further away from the lake, while Aragorn and Boromir hacked away at the other writhing limbs. Twenty more tentacles rippled out of the lake, the dark water boiled as the hideous beast lashed out at the Fellowship. This time the creature grabbed Frodo, Frodo had been its original target but Celeste had gotten in the way and the beast had grabbed her instead. Frodo was flung in the air as the Fellowship fought the other tentacles. Boromir, Aragorn, and Gimli slashed at the best while Legolas shot at it with arrows.

"Celeste can you get me up there to Frodo?!" Aragorn questioned as he cut another tentacle in half.

"I can try!" She answered and focused on the ground beneath his feet. The earth cracked around Aragorn's feet before it began to rise carrying him with it. Celeste clenched her teeth as she struggled to maneuver the block of soil through the swinging tentacles. Finally Aragorn was close enough to the tentacle holding Frodo and he hacked it in half, Frodo fell to the ground only to be caught by Boromir. Celeste tried her best to get Aragorn to the ground safely, but halfway down she lost control causing the patch of earth and Aragorn to fall. Legolas quickly helped his friend stand back up.

"Celeste..." Aragorn looked at the young child who's nose was bleeding again.

"I'm sorry!" She apologized afraid she had hurt him, her adrenaline was pumping so much she couldn't feel the fatigue like last time.

"Into the mines!" Gandalf yelled.

"Legolas!" Boromir shouted as Dur, Celeste, Aragorn, and Boromir holding Frodo ran for the mines. Legolas turned around and shot an arrow into the creature's head, giving them all a few vital seconds to retreat into the mines. The coiling arms of the monster seized the large doors and pulled at them. A shattering echo ripped through the cavern as the creature ripped the doors away which caused a rock slide, sealed the doorway, threw the Fellowship into pitch blackness, and sealed them away inside.

"Less, do you think you can move these rocks?" Merry asked as Gandalf's staff once again lit up the mines.

"I...ugh." Celeste held her head, backed up into the wall, and slide down to sit on the floor, completely exhausted.

"Celeste!" Legolas and Pippin yelled at the same time and both ran to her side.

"Are you alright?" Legolas asked as he wiped away the blood from her nose.

"Is there anything we can do?" Pippin added looking just as concerned as the elf. Suddenly the two got pushed out of the way by Dur who growled at them, and he picked the small girl up bridal style.

"I take care Little Lady." Durmragha warned and Celeste laughed a little.

"I'll get my strength back soon. I'll be fine." She reassured them, "We've wasted enough time here. We should get going."

"She's right. We now have but one choice, we must face the long dark Mines of Moria. Be on your guard...there are older and fouler things than the Orcs in the deep places of the world." Gandalf warned.

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