Chapter 7: "Mildly Impressed"

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The party of eleven trekked over the Eregion Hills. Gandalf in the lead, followed by Frodo and Aragorn, then Sam with the pony, who was then followed by Boromir, Merry, and Pippin, with Gimli behind them, lastly Legolas, Durmragha, and Celeste. Celeste sat on the orc's shoulders despite her protests. She wanted to prove that she could handle this journey, even if Dur wasn't with her, but he refused to put her down especially after how she defended him. Dur even cried a little when he saw the look on his little companion's face after her rant.

Legolas looked up at his young friend, "Celeste...I am sorry I never did do more for you."

"I am not in the mood right now Legolas." Celeste wasn't necessarily mad at him, she just didn't feel like talking to anyone at the moment. Legolas did hate the fact that he thought Celeste was angry at him, but he couldn't help but think that she looked absolutely adorable with that pout on her face.

"It's just-" Legolas began trying to apologize again, but the young girl cut him off.

"Gandalf what is our course to reach Mordor?" She asked. Gandalf turned around and gave her a small smile, he too feeling guilty for only going a yearly check up on the young princess.

"We must hold this course, west of the misty Mountains for forty days. If our luck holds, the Gap of Rohan will still be open to us. From there, our road turns east, to Mordor."

They had found a small clearing in the hills after the sun dipped below the horizon. Boromir insisted to be the one to make the fire. After he gathered dry branches from some bushes and a few handfuls of dead grass, Boromir began scraping his dagger on a special kind of stone called flint to create a spark. He had tried several times but none of the sparks that hit the dead grass grew. Celeste wanted to speak up and suggest that they work together, but she knew Boromir's pride would simply make him say no. However as it got colder and darker, she was ready to take control, but the small hobbits, Merry and Pippin, beat her to it.

"Why don't you let Less help? She can control fire!" Pippin insisted, Boromir looked at the hobbit a little annoyed, but he knew that everyone was starting to freeze and sighed.

"Alright. Your Highness, would you care to help?" Boromir mocked her slightly by calling her 'Your Highness.'

"Okay." She got off the rock she was sitting on and crouched down by the human, "Make a spark above my hand." Boromir obeyed and as soon as the spark hit her hand, Celeste closed it and closed her eyes. She focused on the small amount of heat and thought about multiplying that heat. Everyone looked in awe as the gaps between Celeste's fingers began to glow. The Elemental slowly opened her hand, and in the middle of her palm was a small flame. The young girl opened her eyes and smiled when she saw that she had did it on the first try. There are times when it takes her several tries to make a flame appear from just a spark. Celeste focused on making it bigger and bigger and as it grew in her hand she giggled with glee. The princess decided to show off a little, and she bent the fire to her will, making it take the form of a butterfly, then into a rabbit, and a bird.

"That's so cool!" Sam exclaimed making Celeste smile.

"Oh! Make a dragon!" Merry suggested, and she obeyed making a dragon shape in the flames.

"Alright, enough showing off, we're all freezing can you light the damn wood now?" Boromir mumbled. Celeste smirked at him and she threw the fire into the air, making sure to keep it sustained. Slowly she made the fire back in the shape of a tiny dragon and had it fly around in a few circles above their heads before having it dive into the makeshift fire pit. It made a mini explosion when it hit the kindling and everyone backed up really quick, some of the gasping in surprise and/or awe.

"That was really cool! It was almost like what happened at Bilbo's birthday!" Pippin exclaimed before getting hit on the head by Gandalf with his staff, "Ow!"

"That was really impressive Celeste. I've only ever seen you control earth." Legolas added with a smile.

"I've never seen anything like it in my life." Gimli put in. All the praise made the young girl smile brightly.

"That was very interesting to see in person." Aragorn spoke up.

"I have to say, I'm mildly impressed Your Highness." Boromir put in and Celeste rolled her eyes.

"I suggest we get to cooking so we can all get some sleep. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow." Gandalf ordered, making everyone focus again.

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