Chapter 6: The Long Road Ahead

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Celeste and Durmragha arrived at the entrance of Rivendell where Gandalf, Elrond, the four hobbits, Legolas, and Aragorn were already waiting. Celeste wanted to avoid talking to anyone, because her plan was as soon as Dur showed signs of his old self they would leave, so she didn't want to get attached to anyone. Durmragha however wanted his little partner to make friends with all of their new companions that way if he does get affected too much by the ring then at least she would have people to look after her.

Legolas was the first to greet the pairing, "Celeste!" The elf ran over and picked the small girl up to give her a tight hug as he smiled at the orc, "Hello Durmragha. I'm glad you two will be joining us."

"Legolas, I love you, but put me down." Celeste ordered and the elf laughed a little, and put the girl back on the ground.

"My apologizes. I forgot only Durmragha is allowed to pick up." Legolas smiled down at the princess.

"I am glad you agreed to join them Celeste. I do believe they will have a better chance with you." Elrond spoke up with a smile.

"Do not thank me. It was Dur who wanted to join them. I simply wanted to go back to my kingdom." Celeste said honestly.

"Well, thank you both. I do feel a lot better with you two." Frodo added.

"Welcome." Dur smiled down at the little hobbit, and Frodo clearly cringed away in fear at Durmragha's visibly sharp teeth.

"Careful there Frodo. He might eat you in your sleep." Was how Boromir announced his presence to the group, along with a smug smirk, "That's what monsters do after all." Celeste glared at him, the ground shaking under everyone's feet.

"Call him a monster one more time, wait, no, say anything bad about him one more time and I will bury you alive." Celeste warned, the party struggling to stand as the ground shook more violently. Dur put his hand on her shoulder, and as the Elemental calmed down so did the ground.

"Not worth it." Durmragha told his companion, but he did snarl at the human man when Celeste wasn't looking.

"We got a long road ahead of us Boromir, I suggest you try to get along with the orc." Gimli said as he finally joined the group, the last person they were waiting for.

"How can you be so calm? Wasn't it orcs who drove you from your home in the mines after that dragon took your mountain?" Boromir pointed out.

"Aye, but it wasn't this orc. I've heard tales of the Elementals, and if this little princess says the orc is good, then I'll just have to believe her. That is until he shows his true colors and I can cut his head off with my axe."

"Will you people just stop already?!" Celeste stomped her foot causing a boulder, that was halfway in the ground, to pop out of the soil at least a yard high. Everyone's attention was on the young princess now, "Yes he's an orc, but he saved me life! He has been with me for four years when NONE of your races offered to help. None of you came to help my kingdom, none of you came to help bury the dead, none of you came to help rebuild my land, but he did! He's the only one who cared enough to stay and help me! He's the only one who stayed and took care of me. He taught me how to hunt, how to fight, how to survive! I was ten when I lost everything! And NONE of you came to help a ten year old orphan. In my opinion you're all monsters, you all left my people to burn, you all left my race to be slaughtered, you all left me to die! So yes, I prefer the company of the one being who isn't a monster. Now like how Gimli pointed out we have a long road ahead, and for some reason Durmragha wants to help your sorry asses, so you're stuck with us. You better get use to it, or the monster you'll have to deal with is me." Celeste took a deep breath, trying her best not to let the tears spill.

Everyone was too stunned to say anything. They also knew that it was true. None of them did try to go to the aid of the Elementals. They all thought that the Elementals were strong enough to defend themselves. Gandalf had tried to warn the Elementals and talk sense into the King and Queen, but arrived far too late. Legolas was introduced to her once, and he went to check on her maybe four times a year, but he never did try to help. He sat and talked with her for a few hours then had to go back to his land. Elrond didn't try to take Celeste into his home until a year after the destruction of the Elemental Kingdom, if it hadn't been for Durmragha, Celeste would have been dead by then. The humans and dwarves couldn't have cared less, they saw the slaughter as the destruction of a powerful rival. With the Elementals gone, the humans and dwarves could advance more and grow.

Durmragha was surprisingly the first one to break the silence, "We go now?"

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