Chapter 16: Strength

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Celeste sat on the table that was in the room and the healer did a few test before finally saying, "Okay, what elements can you control?"

"Fire and earth." Celeste answered.

"I want to see you test your powers. Nothing too big though."

"I can do that." Celeste picked up a few pebbles from the ground and had them float in the air until she had a sharp pain run through her head. The pebbles fell to the ground as she lost concentration.

"It's okay. I heard that earth was a little hard for you. That should be normal, you completely exhausted your strength when you tried to absorb the Hell Fire. Now, see that torch? Just make the flame a little bigger. Just a little." Celeste nodded and tried to focus on the flame, the heat, and the way it moved, but no matter what she tried the flame wouldn't get bigger. She concentrated harder getting slightly angry, as fire has always been easy for her, when suddenly the flame burst out like an explosion. Celeste screamed in pain as the eye that changed color seemed to burn. The healer quickly ducked out of the way of the flames and stared at the young girl surprised.

"I-I-I'm sorry. That's never happened before. I normally always have control of fire. I don't know what happened." Celeste apologized quickly.

"It's alright. I expected this. According to the book on Elementals that I have, when they over exert themselves with using one of the elements they can lose control over that element. They would have used up all their strength for that one element that they have to train themselves to learn it again and rebuild that strength. The fact that it was Hell Fire that overwhelmed you doesn't help too much either."

"So I have to reteach myself how to control fire?"

"Yes. But...I don't know if you'd be able to. You see the Hell Fire burned away a part of you as well. Which is my guess why your eye is now like that. I don't know what it burned away exactly, but because you were using the strength of fire I can only guess that it burned away any control you had over fire. You can still influence it like you did just now, but you won't be able to control it. If that makes sense, I'm sure an actual elemental could explain it better than I can."

"No...I guess that makes sense. I use to easily control fire, but even just trying to get that flame a little bigger was harder than controlling earth. I didn't even mean for it to...explode like that."

"I would suggest not trying to control fire, at least for the rest of this journey that you are on, unless you absolutely have to. I would let your strength for fire build up naturally before trying to build it up on your own." The healer finished, "Any questions?"

"You keep talking about strength, and how I used too much of mine, wouldn't that make it hard for me to control any kind of element then?"

"No. You see, you have different kinds of strengths. A strength for Fire, a strength for earth, a strength for water, a strength for air. All of these are different strengths, they don't correspond with one another. Although they have a pairing, as I'm sure you've learned. Fire and Earth are a pair. Water and Air are a pair. Because your fire strength is so low, controlling Earth might be a little harder than it was before. But at the same time, because your fire strength is low, water and air might be easier to control now."

"I guess that makes sense. What about my eye? Will it ever go back to normal?"

"I don't know. There was nothing in the Elemental book about eyes changing color. I'm sorry. But I would suggest resting for as much as you can. I know your Fellowship leaves tomorrow. I would suggest not going with them, but I can already tell that you will."

"Yeah I will. I got a story I need to finish." Celeste smiled and left the healing room.

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