Chapter 3: Elrond and Gandalf

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        Elrond and Gandalf watched the odd pair from Elrond's balcony. The elf let out a large sigh.

        "I don't think I'll ever understand why you let that orc stay with her. I would have killed him if I was the one who found them four years ago." Elrond said, disgusted by the fact that an orc was in his land.

        "She carries a wound that will never fully heal. The orc at least helps it stay a scar and not an open wound. But she will carry it for the rest of her life."

         "And yet to have come so far still bearing the weight of all her people...the Elemental has shown extraordinary resilience." Elrond had to agree that the young girl has done so much in such a short amount of time. Gandalf had told his old friend about half of the rubble from the battle has been cleaned up and reused to rebuild the walls.

        "It is a burden no one that young should bear. She is already doing so much to try to rebuild her parents' legacy, even if she won't admit she is doing it for them. We can not ask for her help." Gandalf knew that Elrond would want her to be part of the team that heads to Mordor. Granted the council tomorrow was to decide what to do with the ring, but both Elrond and Gandalf knew that there was only one thing to do with the ring and that was destroy it.

        "Gandalf, the enemy is moving. Sauron's forces are massing in the east. His eye is fixed on Rivendell. And Saruman, you tell me, has betrayed us. Our list of allies grows thin. She is strong. She would be a great advantage in the battle to come."

        "His treachery runs deeper than you know. By foul craft, Saruman has crossed Orc with Goblin Men...he is breeding an army in the caverns of Isengard. An army that can move in Sunlight and cover great distance at speed. Saruman is coming for the Ring. Celeste is young, too young, to be involved in something like this." Elrond turned away from the gray wizard in annoyance.

        "This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves. We do not have the strength to fight both Mordor and Isengard. Gandalf...the ring cannot stay here." Gandalf sighed and looked away from the orc and girl slowly falling asleep. He watched as new arrivals came through the Rivendell gate, the human Boromir, followed by Legolas and the dwarf Gimli. Elrond continued to speak, "This peril belongs to all Middle earth. They must decide how to end it. Not just for themselves but for those who come after. The time of the Elves is over. My people are leaving these shores. Who will you look to when we have gone? The dwarves? They hide in their mountains seeking riches. They care nothing for the troubles of others."

        "It is in Men that we must place our hope." Gandalf answered.

        "Men? Men are weak. The race of Men is failing. The blood of Numenor is all but spent, its pride and dignity forgotten. It is because of men the Ring survives. The Elementals were strong, had they fought on the right side the ring would have been destoryed so long ago. Now Celeste can correct her ancestors' failure...I was there, Gandalf, I was there three thousand years ago when Isildur took the ring. The Elementals served the ring, whoever had the ring, controlled one of the strongest races. When Isildur picked up the ring, he could have ordered them to end it all, but...that was the day the strength of Men failed."

        "Elrond-" Gandalf began but Elrond kept talking.

        "I led Isildur into the heart of Mount Doom, where the ring was forged: the one place it could be destroyed. It should have ended that day, but evil was allowed to endure. Isildur kept the Ring, and out of pride set the Elementals' free of the ring's control, saying he did not need them. The Elementals' were so disgusted by what they had done they vowed to be peaceful people, and we lost them all. Isildur kept the ring and the line of Kings was broken. There's no strength left in the world of Men. They're scattered, divided, leaderless."

        "Celeste will not lead the Men if that is what you are hoping for. However, there is one who could unite them, one who could reclaim the thrown of Gondor."

        "He turned from that path a long time ago. He has chosen exile." The two of them spoke of the ranger called Strider, but his true name was Aragorn.

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