Everything & Anything [engl.]

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As usual:

Y/N: Your Name

A/T: Animal/Type

Have a good time reading!


I held on him tight as he were skating with his air shoes, me in his strong protecting arms. I finally opened my eyes, not scared anymore and looked at the scenery goes by. Then I looked at his face, his wonderful gaze and the little smile he had on his sweet lips. I felt my heart melt at the feeling of him being happy. He caught me looking at him and chuckled.

Shadow: We're almost there.

We finally stopped in a field with some flowers here and there glowing because of the blinding moon. He made me sit to the ground with him and looked back at the moon. I couldn't take off my eyes of Shadow. I didn't want to disturb him in his thinking moment but my hand hadn't understood that. It slowly made its way to his and brushed against it. Shadow quickly snapped back and looked at our hands as I took it off, blushing mad.

What have I done?! He wanted to show me this place, not to get all lovey dovey and everything. Why did I do that? Why?!!

I heard him chuckled again.

Shadow: So, you wanted to make a move? Looks like you want it to be more... Romantic.

He carefully took my hand as if it was made of glass and slowly kissed it, which make my heart fluttered. He stayed at some few centimeter from my hand and smirked. He kissed it a second time and began to go higher on my arm, still slowly planting sweet kisses. I let him do so as I wasn't able to hide my embarrassment and my blush away. He was at the level of my neck and decided to stop. A kiss on the cheek he simply gave me. I wanted to say him so many things about how much sweet he was and everything that goes with it as I usually do, but nothing came out. I was just looking at his wonderful eyes and couldn't put away the weird warm feeling I had in me those days.

Shadow: You've been really quiet Y/N... Do you want to tell me something? Or is it something I did? Was it too-

An idea popped in my mind and I decided to listen to it. I kissed him. I kissed Shadow the hedgehog. Normally, it would have been him but today was different. That place, the night and him, everything was making me felt differently. He sweetly kissed back and put his hands on my hips to pull me closer to him. He still remained gentle instead of his usual himself with his passionate kisses, and after some seconds, he pulled away.

Shadow: My love... You've been acting differently since the moment we saw each other earlier. Are you okay?

The warm feeling wouldn't let go of me. I just loved him so much but... It wasn't the same this time. There was days when Shadow was romantic or cute. He could be calm too, not talking a lot but just to allow me to feel his protective presence. He was perfect in every way and I couldn't consider myself to ask for... More?

Y/N: Thank you for bringing me here Shadow. You... You did nothing bad, you're perfect, as usual my sweet love.

I hugged him and he did it back. I loved his warm embrace, his voice, his reassuring presence... Him. 

Y/N: My hedgehog...

That was one of the thoughts that wouldn't leave my head and when I said it, it seemed like my voice sounded a little to low. Shadow then put his muzzle inside of my neck and he slowly planted sensual kisses as I could hear his hot breath and felt his lips slowly moving. That was one of the most amazing things he knew perfectly how to do. Inaudible satisfy sounds tried to escape from my mouth but I hold back myself. He kept on doing and he even began to slowly licked my neck.

Y/N: Sh-Shadow... Stop. Please, stop...

After one last kiss, he did so and tried to look at my eyes that were looking at the ground. It burned. I felt my entire myself burned and I couldn't take it anymore so I made him stopped. Even if, weirdly, I still wanted him to continue.

Shadow: Y-Y/N, are you okay? I don't like that. I... I think I'm gonna take you back home now.

He tried to get up but I hugged him. I wanted him close to me but I felt the need to run too. What was happening to me?

Y/N: I'm alright Shadow... I-

Shadow: Don't you dare try to lie to me my love. What is it, really? Please... Tell me everything.

Y/N: I... I want to runaway from you.

He froze as he heard my saying. I didn't want to say it that way but it was true. Half of the truth.

Y/N: And... And I feel like I want you to kiss me. The... Way you do... Normally.

He tighten his embrace around me a little more than stopped. I didn't know why my heartbeat was increasing but I was scared from his reaction. Did I said something wrong?

Shadow: Y/N...

He put his hands on my back and kissed my collarbone. His hands were slowly moving, gently and sweetly.

Shadow: ~Mmm...

Y/N: Shadow, please stop...

Shadow: Y/N...

Y/N: S-stop... It's burning, Shadow. Please... Stop.

Shadow: It's okay if it burns my sweet love... My poor sweet love. You don't know what's happening, do you?

I slowly shook my head and I wanted to whimper. Now, it hurt.

Shadow: Now my love, you're gonna try to breathe correctly. It's going to be fine.

He let go and went in front of me on his legs. We looked inside each other's eyes and just observed. He slowly put his hand on my left side face and carefully rubbed it. He slowly played with a little hold of my hair/fur as light shade of pink was on our muzzles. It seems like he was discovering me, not sure of exactly what to do but he was still going on. He looked somehow innocent. This look in his eyes trying to understand me clearly. Trying to read me. Like he was silently asking me intimate questions. He got closer to me and I didn't know why but I cowered and ended up falling on my butt.

Y/N: I'm sorry. I-I don't know what's happening... It's just... I'm sorry Shadow.

He put a finger under my chin and lifted my head up as I was almost about to cry.

Shadow: I'm here for you my love... Look at me. There's no need to cry. I love you... More than anything in my life, sweetheart. I know you're not scared of me... You're scared of the feeling. The new feeling.

He was on all fours above me, looking deeply inside of my eyes, the moonlight on his soft quills. His magnificent ruby eyes in mine, it was hard to breathe. I felt his left hand slowly rubbed my hip. No one around, just us, the plain sight and the moon.

Shadow: My Y/N...

His voice was even more smother and sweeter than usual. My heart began to race again while my respiration was quicker. He carefully hold my body close to him with his hand and leaned to my ear. I just couldn't help but blushed madly at the position we were in, at his voice... At him. He then finally spoke.

Shadow: Please... My love... Allow me to do... Everything.

He then slowly kissed my neck as a first soft moan slipped out of my mouth. I loved him more than anything and I would allow him... Anything.

[You can imagine whatever you want now... ]

The End

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