Life at G.U.N's office [engl.] ~ NSFW

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Warning, Lemon🍋 aboard!!! So it's a 16/18+ story❗ Again, sorry for the grammar mistakes! Again... There's gonna be a perv. Sorry, I just don't know why I kept bringing those kind of guys into my stories... I wrote this story there's some moths [along the Shcool Party story] but I waited to publish this one. Let's say that... You're kinda really strong for Agent Shadow😅😳🙄😶... That's it, I hope you're all going to love it.

As usual:

Y/N: Your Name

A/T: Animal Type

Have a good time reading!


*At G.U.N*

So here I was. Y/N the A/T, in front of the door of a G.U.N's best agent, Shadow the hedgehog.

Y/N: Why am I scared like that? Okay, I'm not scared it's just... Argh! Why am I a secretary? I was an agent before and because of that stupid run battle I lost, I got replaced and here I am! They give me shitty tasks like giving paper work to the others.

Now... Everyone hate me. Except... This dumb ass of Agent Gentley and... Agent Shadow. Whyyy hiiim?!

Agent Shadow had took the bad habit to... Hum... Be really, really, REALLY close to me. Even though I only had to give him two paperwork each month, he quickly noticed me. Actually, it was at our second encounter he realized I was there.


Y/N: Agent Shadow, your paperwork is here. Where can I put it?

Shadow: Argh! Again?!

Y/N: But... You only have some two times a month.

Shadow: And? I said to the Commander to NOT send me some stupid work like that. I have other things to do and especially NOT some paper work brought by some... A/T. Who are you?

My anger grew more as I felt like he was treating me like some kind of garbage.

Y/N: I'm Y/N the A/T.

Shadow: Aren't you the girl that lost so pathetically a battle there's two months?

Y/N: I prefer you to not bring up that story.

Shadow: So that's what happened to you.

Y/N: I ask you to CUT. IT. OUT.

Shadow: What did you just say?

He came closer to me, both of our teeth out.

Shadow: You were an agent, right? Then prove it.

He throw his fist at my face and I dodged it at the last second. I put my foot behind his heel and pushed his chest. He felt lamentably on the floor as I jumped on him. I definitely needed some training. I pinned his hands on top of his head.

Y/N: Don't you dare try to attack me like that ever again. And if you try to go snitch me to the Commander, let's say that's just lame of you. What I did was self defense. So you have no rights to complain.

As I made my voice lower to try to threatened him, someone opened the door.

White bat: Oh my- Whoa! Wha- Okay, I'm out. Well, that's new.

Our brains were slowly processing what just happened. I was doomed for my entire life now.

Y/N: What have I done?! If she spread out some bullshit about... I'm so dead! Oh no... Why? Just why?! I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been angry, it was the truth! Now... I'm maybe gonna lose my post... And everything. What have I done?! Why everything is just so shitty?!

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