Hypothermia [engl.] Part 2

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P.S: This isn't my art either. Though, the pictures in my profile are, you can go take a look at the end of my "Cet autre monde book", there's a good-looking drawing there of my OC (if you were wondering my computer drawing ability)😉


So there I was, on one of G.U.N's safe space's couches. Some people make sure I was feeling better and after an hour only, I was back to my normal state. Lucky as I was to have been... Warmed... By Shadow before anything bad could have happened. I turned around when a hand touched my side.

Shadow: Follow me.

Blush spread all over my face but I still followed him through the building to the offices' section. No long after, he pressed his ID card onto a doorknob and his office's door opened. Getting inside, Shadow closed and locked it behind us.

Shadow: Do you know why I bring you here?

I shook my head no, looking down at the floor. He began to walk away to his desk but I stopped him.

Y/N: Shadow. I... I'm sorry.

He chuckled and turned around. It was at this moment that I realized I had take his wrist in my right hand.

Shadow: Why would you be sorry? You... Seemed to enjoy it.

I tried to speak normally but I just began to fumble with my words as he put me closer to the wall by the waist. I stopped when his lips went on my neck to put there a soft quick kiss.

Shadow: Do you think I'm sorry for that too?

Then... The hedgehog began to rub and let his hands rest on my hips as he was grazing the side of my face with his muzzle and nose. Not even able to take it anymore, I grabbed him and hugged our bodies together. I let my arms make their way around his torso and I... I went to his ear to kiss the side of it.

Y/N: I never felt that drawn to someone before. I love you, Shadow.

Since I didn't have his glare on me and that I was whispering to him, it felt more easy to finally confront him with my feelings and to... Confess.

Y/N: It's been quite a while now that I'm having those feelings for you but I...

Shadow: You never thought it would be in this situation that I would show you back the same ones.

Y/N: Yeah... But there was the fact that, you know... We're not suppose to get into relationships at work, which I understand perfectly, but that was, well mostly, maybe going against your-

Shadow: Y/N... I would like you to cease your acting.

Y/N: I'm sorry for rambling like that, it's just that... Well, it's still new for me to get into that zone and-

Shadow: How much are you lying?

Y/N: Wha- ... Mm- ...

One kiss on the left side of my neck was all I needed to finally understand.

Shadow: Out there... You were... Adventurous of me and look at you now. Defenceless.

Another kiss but this time, more wet.

Shadow: Maybe it was indeed the cold who was messing with your reactions... Or maybe my touch.

Suddenly, I felt his lips part and I already knew what was happening next. His warm tongue was doing some soft licks for a minute. How delightful was the sweet feeling of this care of his. Grasping him tighter, breathing a little more louder, I sure didn't expected him to end my neck-care session with a lovely suction and even less with my name being pronounced. My soul shivered with the feverishness and sensation Shadow left in me after slowly parting away. I adverted my eyes but only after seeing the reddish shade that was onto his cheeks too. Seemed like I wasn't the only one to know that the heat was going at another level.

Y/N: Shadow... Would you mind taking...

The second after this light hesitation of mine, something was cutting sharp into the air behind him by wagging.

Y/N: Taking my lips after all this time?

My chin was directly taken between two fingers to keep my eyes in his.

Shadow: At least, face me when you're asking something. I don't want to lose any sight of that beautiful face of yours when you're addressing me.

Definitely having my heart pounding faster, I was caught up by his own attractiveness and charm.

Y/N: I think you're saying that because of the reflection in my eyes... Since the only thing before them is what makes everything delightful to the sight.

I had just made a pick-up line and was trying to kept my cool to not giggle nor anything.

Shadow: Hmm... You want to play that game?

Y/N: I don't see where's the game... You're winning in every aspect.

In a chuckle, he put himself a little more closer to my lips as we were still against the wall.

Shadow: You shouldn't waste your breath onto this, it'll only makes me want to be closer to your lips so I can avoid losing that lovely air you're breathing out.

I gulped down while his eyes make sure to purposely do some trips from my lips to my eyes many times.

Y/N: Don't look at me like that.

Shadow: Makes you uncomfortable perhaps?

Y/N: No, just telling myself that this face is full of emotions that are only making you more stunning than what you already are... You're going to blind me if you don't stop, dark handsome.

Our noses touched and I didn't knew on which eye I had to focus anymore. I could feel his breath warming my lips and I knew we were reaching our first kiss but Shadow cut short the exchange that didn't even had the time to occur.

Shadow: You have to understand that I will protect you more than anything now and that I'll be worry for you all the time.

Y/N: I don't mind an over-protective boyfriend, it's always better than someone who doesn't even care.

Ready for his mouth to meet mine, I found myself waiting again.

Shadow: Boyfriend. You'll have to see me as more than your boyfriend at some point... But as your husband.

Husband. I blushed hard to that word and looked at the ground suddenly. Shadow took a step back and I finally understood the "rectifications" he talked about previously. Now that he had me under his trance, how was I even going to find the strength to resist after that rapprochement with him?

Shadow: There's going to be a limit where I won't be able to live without you Y/N. You may not find interest into marriage now but I can't give you my full trust, knowing you'll eventually go one day. The universe took it from me once and I don't want you, who would be my new entire universe, to take it and trow it away. I wouldn't be able to survive to the pain this time if it's you that I love. If right now, the idea of seeing me as your one and only repulses you... Pretend that everything that happened and that we said to each other didn't occur. It will be better for the both of us. If you accept... I'll make sure that your life with me will raise at your highest expectations. It's your choice, Y/N. Not mine.

A tear slipped from my face and he tried to stay neutral about it. Did that kind of confession even existed? Nothing as truthful, sincere but lovely as this was showed in those romance movies! I just nodded and rushed myself in his arms, even though he was at less than two meters away from me.

Shadow: You really agree, Y/N?

Y/N: I do... I do Shadow. I love you.

Shadow: Y/N... I... I love you too. Just, please...

He hugged me a little tighter.

Shadow: Just don't hurt me. I wouldn't bear it from you.

Y/N: I won't Shadow. Don't worry, I won't. I'll stay with you, always.

He kissed the top of my head and he brought me to his desk. That's when I felt my first Shadow kiss from my entire life as I was sitting bridal-style onto him in the chair. That was also the second time I felt his touch.

🖤❤️The End ❤️🖤

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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