Hypothermia [engl.] Part 1

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Situation: Y/N's been a remplacement teamate in Team Dark for almost a year now and befriend Rouge and Omega. Though, Shadow's always weirdly trying to challenge her and test her limits to see how "worthy" she is but she wouldn't fall for his little tricks.


I was on a couch in one of G.U.N's safes spaces, blanket around me and my teacup in hands, thinking about the previous events with... Him. I had almost fall in hypothermia if it wasn't for Shadow to interfere.

* Flashback *

--- Mission in the Arctic - Greenland. ---

I almost felt onto the ground, my body not even able to handle the cold go through my whole body anymore. We had decided to take a short-cut earlier from the four other soldiers since the mission was over. We had to part ways and reach the pick-up places G.U.N assigned us before we went for the task. Now on my knees, Shadow tried to reach for his emerald but it seemed like he couldn't find it anywhere on him. Great. I began to shake uncontrollably while sitting. Not even able to think anymore, I closed my eyes as the coldness of the weather felt like killing me even through the clothes. I was still able to hear his deep voice next to me.

Shadow: Why didn't you say earlier you were freezing? I can't believe I'll... Y/N... If I'm doing this... It's for your own good.

He began to open the more faster he could our coats and the safety layers that were under them. I knew what he was doing but still looked away. It was one of the procedures that was taught to us in the conference we had about the mission's preparation and the ways to survive the harsh temperature.

Shadow: Listen, it's going to be really cold.

Then, he suddenly took my shirt off and put the main coat around me quickly. His on his back, he hold the sides between his elbows to not let it get took away by the wind. After this, he went on top of me, lying me down. Looking inside of my eyes first, I avoided his glare, knowing he could see my personality even trough my sport bra I was wearing for the mission. Next thing I knew, the hedgehog put his whole body on mine and slid his hands behind me, rubbing my back. My mind not really there, I was... Appreciating this new warm contact.

Y/N: Shadow...

His hands were going more lower but they would still go higher after though. Hearing me, Shadow told me that everything was going to be fine... Not knowing I wasn't saying his name because I was scared. In fact, with his hands moving and his deep voice that was reassuring me so close to my ear... I had my reasons to feel this way for him at this moment. After a long time, I was finally able to move again but I couldn't say the same about my legs and feet. Even though this inconvenience, I put my arms around him, just under his two back quills and that's when I felt his freezing back. The reason was that the snow under me was stable at zero degree and for him, well there was the wind. I began to move my hands on his back to warm him. He thanked me in a whisper which was mixed in a sight that make me bit my lower lip. I tried to rub him everywhere but he stopped me at some point.

Shadow: Don't go too low.

Exactly knowing the reason, I went higher but then, I didn't know why.... I whispered back.

Y/N: What if I do?

The hedgehog didn't say anything and I began to slowly go lower. I was watching the reactions of his body but it seemed like he was... Waiting for it. Then, I reached this dangerous spot that many of möbians had. I rub just on top of his tail and his reaction was direct. He clung himself to me and I felt his legs lightly shaking the more I would scratch it. His breath began to grow shorter and he was trying to hide his face the more he could in my hair/fur. Little sounds that could almost be whimpers, I heard against my ear.

Y/N: Everything's going to be okay, Shadow. I'm here, don't worry.

Saying it in a flirty way, it was my turn to make him eat back his words.

Y/N: You shouldn't keep back those sounds, they're going to warm your throat if you let them go. It's good for you.

He almost choke on his breath but suddenly... I felt one of his hands crawling down my back too and I couldn't squirm away from his reach. It was his turn to tease me and to scratch quickly but softly my tail spot. Enjoying way too much, I definitely couldn't keep those sounds of satisfaction in me. Hearing my noises, Shadow chuckled.

Shadow: I prefer that.

Not even thinking anymore, I wanted to express him my feelings when I took off one of my gloves. Soon, some little claws he felt on his back. The hedgehog said my name and suddenly hugged me tight, legs doing the same.

Shadow: Y/N... Here is not the place for that.

I blushed hard, knowing we were still in the middle of our mission right now.

Y/N: I'm sorry. I didn't meant to push you.

He told me that it was okay as I put back my glove, flustered.

Shadow: But I wouldn't mind after some rectifications.

Not saying anything else, I was completely clueless about those rectifications he was talking about.

* End of flashback *


Author: There's a part two do not worry guys😉

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