An Icy Mission [engl.] Part 1

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Note: Not my art again! Plus, this is not one of my best stories for sure, I don't know why, it's just feeling off. Sorry😅


Mission #2550

That was the subject of the envelope that was sent to me. I had just came back from a mission there's two days and the Commander was still requiring my services, again. I sighted and began to read the letter. There was three lines but the only thing I took real noticed of was the word:


Fury in my eyes, I burst into the Commander's personal office after I knocked. Only the best agent could go see him in proper face, the others had to gather the Council [no, not the Sonic Prime one] and since I was one of the better rare female agent, being a mobian, I was there.

Commander: Well, good morning Agent Y/N. Do you need more information about the letter that was sent to you?

Y/N: I do, Sir. Since when you, Commander, is obligating me to do a collaboration? You are aware of the standards of my contract with this agency and that there's specifically this rule of me NOT getting paired with some unknown people I'm not sure of.

Commander: Y/N... You're not in the decision to choose right now and do not worry. It is not some unknown person I paired you with for the journey.

Suddenly, another person or, I would rather say a mobian, entered the office.

Shadow: Commander, I don't understand the use of the collaboration in my mission!

Commander: Agent Shadow, there's no need to alarm about that.

Shadow: Sir, I have all the rights to complain. I do NOT want to get paired with any of your ruthless weak agents that you have under your service.

I looked up and down at the possessor of the deep low voice next to me. It seemed that he hadn't even noticed me in the office so I stepped in.

Y/N: So it's with him that I'm gonna get paired with?

The principal concerned turned around and gave me a look. So long, to call me a ruthless weak agent but... I liked the fact that he was sharing my same thinking about this collaboration.

Commander: Effectively. Agent Y/N the A/T, this is Agent Shadow. I don't know if the two of you ever met but here's the presentations to get you started. Agent Y/N, is one of our only mobian female agent along with Agent Rouge, who have a strong sense of combat, strategies and skills. In brief, she is, along you, one of our best agents. For you Agent Y/N, Agent Shadow is know as the ul-

Y/N: The Ultimate Lifeform. I heard a lot about you and your successful missions Agent Shadow.

I put my hand out to shake his. He stared at it for a good minute but I kept my cool and waited. The hedgehog finally did.

Y/N: Sir, I still don't understand why do I have to achieve this mission with the help of anybody.

Commander: Actually Agent Y/N, the co-worker of Agent Shadow were not available for this mission and this is the reason why I choose you. So, I expect from this mission that you'll play more as a "figurant" than in first plan with hand to hand combat.

Y/N: Sir, you know exactly I don't roll this way.

Commander: I know but since you just came back from a mission... My decision is already made up.

I breathe out quickly and quickly nodded. It was better for me to keep it low.

Y/N: So what are the commands Sir?

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