Winter time [engl.]

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As usual:

Y/N: Your Name

A/T: Animal/Type

Have a good time reading!



It's cold.

I love it when it's cold.

I was looking outside by my bedroom's window. The fuzzy snowflakes were slowly falling to the ground and on the road, like in the romantic winter scenes you see on the TV. The view looked like we were in a snow ball and just as if someone stopped to shake it, nothing's happening apart the falling snow. I was bored. Really bored. I didn't have something to do in city today and as for my friends, well must of them were busy. I knew for sure that Amy was baby-sitting Cream and I didn't want to disturbed their alone time, Rouge was probably on an early mission at G.U.N, Tails was doing a stage with an old engineer (He's young for that, right? Well the school send him there for the weekend because he basically knew everything they were learning him.), Sonic was somewhere running in the world and Knuckles were in the most well known museum of the city to guard a precious gem.

He must be so more bored than me. Staying all day in a museum to guard a dumb gem? That must be the more boringess things of all. I guess I'm lucky.

As I was saying that, a silhouette appeared in the landscape. I got even closer to the window to see who it was. As it was coming closer, I finally realized that it was Shadow! I kept my eyes on him and observed how handsome and perfect he was. I was maybe a stalker to this point but it was Shadow the hedgehog. Once you put your eyes on him, you're not able to look away... Unless he look back at you as you're watching him. Which is... What just happened at this moment.

Dang it!

I tried to acted normal and slowly waved at him. Hid behind the curtains wouldn't have been a great idea and would have made Shadow suspicious about me. There was a whole strategy here. I just knew I was better not messed up with that guy or else, he would never talked to me ever again. He was the perfection itself. Always looking perfect, always being perfect. That hedgehog... Was the most hot of all too. Look at him... Those eyes, the fluffy chest fluff (Literally always drooling for it and daydreaming about how fluffy it must be.), the freeging good deep voice he have... He can be really sweet too. Well... Sweet is a bit too much but... One time, as we were all literally playing at the park in the first snow of late November with our shoes (Shadow weren't of the game, he rather stood and watched us acting like kids), Sonic pushed me in the snow. He were lucky I didn't hate snow or else... He would've been dead. As I was just sitting in the snow in complete awe, I saw the black and red hedgehog in front of me showing his hand with a serious expression. My heart literally skipped a beat as I took it and felt his hot and sweet one (Actually, we were wearing gloves so it's maybe part of my imagination.). I swear, he were looking sooo magnificent at this moment. I think it was since that event that I began to kinda, have a crush on him. After that, I don't know how but we got a little closer to each other. One time, I was sitting in a cafe waiting at my table for my food and I saw Shadow entered. He saw me and he just... Walked to me and took the place in front of me. I wanted to scream my soul but I just greeted him simply. He did the same and we just... Talked. Not a lot, but still. I was feeling reassured by his presence, by his calm but deep voice and by his ruby eyes. Sure there was this part of me at the beginning who was kind of a little scared but it went away easily as I caught myself to look way to much in his eyes and at his lips moving when he was talking. I suddenly look away... As he were still talking. So much disrespected in my action and he just stopped.

Shadow: I'm gonna go.

He were about to get up and I quickly catch his wrist. He startled at the contact. He didn't like people who got to close to him, so that... Was technically way to much.

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