At Amy's Party [engl.] Part 1

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P.S: Not my art & here's my late Christmas story with you dear Shadow😉🖤❤️🖤

I looked at our group. Here in Amy's living room, we were celebrating Christmas all together. Decorations everywhere, music in background, a Christmas tree in a corner with presents under it, we could feel the joyful atmosphere around. Everybody was there, from Shadow to Cream. Giggling after I saw Knuckles get compared with a candy cane and his reaction after Rouge said she loved candy canes, I felt a pair of arms around my waist. Taken into a warm embrace, I felt Shadow purred slightly on my back.

Shadow: Everything's fine for you my love?

Y/N: Yeah. Don't worry about me, everyone's having a great time.

Shadow: Hmm, but I have to worry. I need to personally assure myself if you're having a great time. You're really important, you know that?

I chuckled but felt a humid kiss on the back of my neck as he maintained me so I wouldn't shiver too much from it.

Shadow: You better know that or I'll have to make myself more clearer.

I turned around seeing his little smirk and his half-opened eyelids. I wanted to kiss him so bad but someone caught our attention.

Sonic: Ouuuhhh! Shadow and Y/N are getting smoochy right here!

Shadow: You're dead Faker.

Everbody's attention on us, I tried to make it slid.

Y/N: We were dancing.

Amy: Did I heard daaancing?

The sound of the music went a little more higher and möbians began to take some steps and dance to the rhythm of the music. I looked into Shadow's eyes and knew he was happy. I took his hand and pulled him closer to me and tried to do some tango. It was pitiful but I indeed get a quiet laugh from him which just made my smile more bigger. It has been a year that I was with Shadow and it was a year of relief to had him by my side. Now that we were used to be together in public, I couldn't felt more happy. Amy joined my little dance after I parted of Shadow. Trying to coordinate our steps together, we failed, laughing. I took noticed that the dark fur hedgehog had stepped away thinking he was a third wheel. I quickly got closer to him.

Y/N: You know I hate it when you do that.

I took his hand and tried to move him a little to the beat, Amy alongside me. Seeing Shadow trying not to make a fool of himself was gold. I laughed hard for a sec as he was pouting a little. Amy joined my hilarity and took Shadow's hands and tried to make him dance. I swung on myself but...

Amy's a good friend of mine and of his. I mean... She did helped him made the good choice on the Ark. I guess that... Shadow only need more feminine presence in his life.

Something in my heart tried to sting me. No, I wasn't going to feel this way towards a friend nor when it's Christmas. I felt my head a little dizzy and something warm was in my neck. His lips.

Shadow: Now, I got you.

I was surprised when he slid his arms around my waist and teleport us. We were in another room of the house where we could still be able to hear the music from afar. I turned around to meet his beautiful face.

Shadow: It was getting too loud for me.

Y/N: Yeah... For those soft sensitive ears of yours?

I gave them a little kiss each and he smiled softly. He began to kiss my neck while I hold him tight. A green thing that was hanging to the roof not far away from us, caught my attention.

Y/N: Shadow... Look.

I was blushing by the expectation of his possible next moves. He turned his head to look at it and after some seconds... Was looking back at me with lusty eyes.

Shadow: I don't need a mistletoe to kiss you. Perhaps, it seems like you normally don't like it when things are too cliché, am I right?

Y/N: You got a point... But it wouldn't hurt to do so once a time.

He chuckled and pressed me to him, his hands on my back. He kissed my forehead and my cheek.

Shadow: You know you just have to ask me Y/N... I love you.

He kissed my eyelid and I hugged myself to him. We could still hear the music in the other room and he began to move us around little step by step. Hugged to his warmth, holding me in his arms, I was feeling so peaceful and comfortable.

My Shadow...

After this long lovely moment, he stopped. I put my face out of his fur and looked at him who was smirking a little. I noticed that the mistletoe was on top of us and before I could put my eyes back on him, he made me voluntary tripped by giving a quick hit on the heel of my shoe. He quickly caught my waist with his two arms before I could fall and kissed me hard. My arms went around his neck while he took his time to make me feel loved. He hummed through the kiss and pulled away while he helped me stood up correctly.

Shadow: So?

Y/N: It... It was beautiful.

Shadow: Not as much as you, my beautiful.

I gave him a small punch on his shoulder.

Y/N: That was too easy.

Shadow: Okay, then...

He slammed me to his chest and talked with the special kind of threatening voice of his.

Shadow: Do you want to know how bad you make me feel Y/N?

To that, I just put my head in his neck and sighted. I was biting my lip from this unholy feeling I had because of him every time he did that.

Y/N: You're mean.

Shadow: You are the one who's making me like that.

Y/N: Shut up.

Shadow: I will not do so until I hear one of those sweet sounds of yours... ~Y/N.

He began to scratch the top of my tail after he assured himself that nobody was around. I silently whimpered first but he nibbled my ear and... I was obligated to give him what he wanted.

Shadow: Thank you my love... I'll keep that little whine in head for later.

He firmly hold my hips and kissed the neck of the red tomato I was again.

Sonic: Shadow will you let Y/N be for an instant? You two are attacking each other even more than usual so please... Keep that for later. Anyway, while you're there, could you go take the second pack of snacks in the kitchen? See ya in the living room, thank you!

On that, the blue blur speed away before his rival could have the chance to punch him with all his will.

Y/N: C'mon, let's do this.

He followed me and I looked at the multiple trail of food. We needed to do at least three round trip.

Y/N: This hedgehog is exasperating me.

Shadow: SONI-

I put my hand on his mouth and put him closer to a wall.

Y/N: Shadow... That's our alone time...

His look softened and he wrapped his arms around me as I let myself get caressed into the embrace.

Shadow: So you do want me to do things on you... Here.

He handed me a small box that he took out of his quills.

Y/N: I really need to know how do you, hedgehogs, are doing that. How many stuff can you fit in there?

Shadow: Nobody'll never know.

I took the small box to see...




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