An Icy Mission [engl.] Part 2

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In the air vent while we were on our fours, Shadow was in front of me and... The main goal was to not be too close of him and to not stare.

I mean... He's kinda flat but... There's a little of potential. Why am I judging people's ass? That's not professional at all.

Shadow: We have fifteen minutes left. If you receive a message, get out quickly.

Y/N: But the smoke may released itself before.

Shadow: How many guns do you have on yourself?

Y/N: Two on my sides and a last small one in case.

Shadow: It's the same for me. Then you'll be fine with getting out by the door of the HQ. If you have the chip, send me your location and I'll join you. That's your turn. Fourteen minutes and ten seconds left exactly.

He went into his direction and I quickly went in mine without any goodbyes. I knew they wouldn't put the chip so close to the "entrée" so I went a little more further. I was sure it wasn't it the middle of the HQ neither. Those kind of companies will never put something that important in evidence, that was a myth. On the more right, a special computer room I found. Everything was perfect. No guards inside, the air vent close to the ground. I looked at the time.


The screen guy or the guards must have take their lunch somewhere so... In two minutes they'll certainly be back.

I got out quickly, correctly put back the air vent, took out a fake chip and find the exact location of the real one. A purple light was on top of the black base where the chip was plugged in.

C'mon... Why this kind of device?

I had a two second and a half to exchange the two. I breathe out quickly and looked at the time again. One minute before they came back, five minutes before the air vent could have possible smoke in them and Shadow was maybe still in one of them. More faster than I could ever imagine... The real chip was in my hand and the alarms didn't went on. I send a message to Shadow's watch, sent him my location and that I had the chip and hid myself behind the desk of the computer.

A.S: Can't. Busy.

Are you fu**ing kidding me?

The doors were open and a single guy walked to the desk and sat in the chair. I sighted, knowing I had to make my way to the centre of the building. I make the turn of the desk with precaution of not getting caught and... Put to sleep the guy. I hid him behind the desk and got out. I made a really sad and scared face and walked down the alleys.

C'mon Y/N, put some welly into it! It have to be credible or... You'll get shoot and no more boring ball for you after missions. Actually, that would be perfect.

I put myself together and walked confusingly while looking around. Then, a guy caught me.

-: Who the heck are you and what are you doing here?!

Y/N: I-I'm trying to find m-my lo-love one...

-: Stop crying! You're coming with me, we'll see what the boss have to say with that.

Knowing they would try to search me, I put the chip into the man's vest. He pushed me in front of him and we walked between multiple alleys. He opened a door leading to another alley and a surprising view I found. My teammate was there, lying on the floor while a giant teaser was in the other man's hand.

Well... I never though he would have been take down that easily.

I suddenly ran to him and almost trowed myself onto the floor to reach him. My first convict was taking aim at me with his pistol and I pretend to ignore it while putting my full attention on Shadow.

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