Amnesia [engl.]

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Situation: The Dr. Robotnik attacked somewhere near the village and Y/N, who was passing by, got her head hit against a rock because of a robot that shoved her out of the way. She was in coma for 3 days. When she awaken, she got released a day after since Tails, that was healing her, said her that everything looked fine. Y/N's more weak, can't have strong emotions for too long [can easily change them] and she have to discover everything again since she have amnesia. She meets Sonic who she hated before but not anymore and now, he sees that as an opportunity to be friends with her. Weirdly Y/N is blushing and is really happy to be with him. Anyway, here they are, walking into the village while the sun was long gone.


I saw the bright panel of a restaurant. I think it was one. I observed it from the sidewalk we were. I didn't know why but there was something about it. I was actually happy of seeing this restaurant even though I didn't remember a thing about it.

I should... Trust more this feeling since it's the only one I have.

Y/N: Sonic, can we go there? Pleaaasse?

Sonic: Sure Y/N! Let's go.

We went inside. A warm and great place like this one was... Home feeling? We sat next to the large window on our left and Sonic asked a food to the person that came to us with a small book in her hands.

Sonic: I got to say, that's a really nice place. I should come here more often. You... You seem distant Y/N, are you okay?

Y/N: Oh euhm... I guess I... Wouldn't say that I'm feeling okay, since I'm suffering of euh... Amnesia?

Sonic: Y-Yeah! Euh, sorry dump question. Don't hate me for that please!

Y/N: It's okay Sonic, I would not hate you, it's normal to do euh... Yeah, mistakes.

The blue hedgehog looked relieved and seemed to enjoy his time.

Sonic: Actually Y/N, I think that it isn't that bad to have you this way. Well... Before, you used to kinda hate me but now... Yeah, it's nice.

Y/N: Thanks... I suppose? I- ... Sometimes, I feel like... I'm empty or that... I doesn't exist.

From the huge down of my feeling, I could tell that this caught him off guard.

Sonic: Hey, don't say that. You-euh... Listen, I'm here for you, everybody's here. And we all-

Y/N: That's just making me a burden for yall.

Sonic: No, that's just means that we are your friends. Friends stick together and no matter what. So...

He put his hand on my left arm.

Sonic: You can count on me.


Little did they know, someone was there at the very moment, watching them. Some minutes ago, another hedgehog was walking in the streets, almost hiding himself in the shadows. Letting his mind sank into his intern darkness. There was even a tear slipping out of his eye. Just a lost soul, that recently lost the love of his life.

Lost... I... Where are you Y/N? Do you even remember me? Do you remember my love...

Walking into the darkness, he finally came close to the lights and risked himself passed them. He walked. The lights remembered him of her. The light into the darkness of his life and now... They had to disappeared. He remembered her softness, how sweet she was with him. The genuine warm smile she used to give him every time he came back from a mission, tears in her glowing eyes. Then, the feeling of rubbing her sides came. The warmth of her hips when he used to put his hands there, she would shiver and he would go higher and higher... He would lie her down on their bed. Never leave her... That was his promise and of course... Everything had to completely go wrong. So he was there, without any news of her but that she was into an accident there's now four days. Was she dead? No. He refused to think that. The life must have taken his sister but his love? He wouldn't let that happen. He had even more problems at G.U.N now because of his long absences that he used to try to find her. He needed peace, security, comfort... All of that, he could only found it with her. The black and crimson hedgehog saw a restaurant's full of lights panel, from the place he was. A sad smile appeared on his lips. How he hated life to bring such painful memories but how he liked it, to have little aspects of her during his day. With that, he could remember the feeling of her hot palm tightly holding his, while they went into the same direction he was taking alone now. This restaurant... Was the place where he asked you out for the first time. Your smile when he looked at you, unsecured about getting out of the friends zone or getting turned down by you. He knew you and he knew it was the right time and finally... You kissed him. Sadly... All of that was gone. No Y/N by his side, he was closed to the place but... He hesitated.

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