Officer Shadow [engl.] Part 1

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Y/N: Your Name

A/T: Animal/Type

+: When it's in italic it means that you're thinking inside your head

Have a good time reading❤


I'm Y/N. A human... That's just getting chased by a police car for the third time this month.

-: Surrender, we aren't playing games!

Y/N: I w- NEVER!

I ran into an alley on the side and waited. I had a tactic and I was sure to win it. Knowing, the officer would try to caught me on the other side, I went back on my tracks smirking evily.

Y/N: And that's how we get things don-

I heard a gun be load.

O. Shadow: Hmpf! Do you think I'm enough dump to believe your little strategy?

Y/N: I hoped it was the case...

I tried to ran away again but he just speed in front of me. I sighted, my shoulders down.

Y/N: But it's like the second time-

O. Shadow: Third.

Y/N: -this month! Give me a chance at least...

He gave me the "I don't give it a sh**" cold glare. I pouted, not proud of my abilities to escape him.

O. Shadow: Turn around, hands behind.

I did and tried to play it.

Y/N: ~You must have a nice view over there.

He completely ignored my comment and get out the metal hand locks. The cold handcuffs around my wrists, I still had a grin on my face.

O. Shadow: Get in the car.

Y/N: What about you? You'll certainly need some books on your seat to lift up your little ass to reach the wheel 'cause right now, you must be in the down under, cutie.

O. Shadow: Don't call me this way.

On that, he slammed the car door on me.

Damn... Savage today.

I laughed it off and chuckled as I saw the driver seat that was to its higher high. I was already going on his nerves and I wasn't done for sure.

Y/N: You're so little... And cute.

O. Shadow: You, humans, have really no respect for who we are.

Y/N: Hey, it's not racist to be little and cute... It's a... A quality, that's the word.

He side-eyed me and sighed in disbelief.

Y/N: In fact, I'm just talking about you... I didn't say you were all cute. You are the only... Cutie.

O. Shadow: Enough with that word already!

Y/N: Dang, chill out hedgehog... It was a compliment.

O. Shadow: Then, keep it for yourself if you don't want me to shoot your leg.

Y/N: Ouuhh... That's violent from a policeman and I don't think it's good on your register to see "violence against citizens".

O. Shadow: You're not a citizen, you're a delinquent.

Y/N: That's not true! I... I'm someone who likes to do art, that's it.

O. Shadow: So why don't you "express" yourself on canvas and not on people expansive cars?! Who do you think you are, Robin of the Hood?

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