Drawings, drawings, drawings... [engl.]

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[Not my art] Okay so... I didn't write NSFW/lemon nor anything, it's just a shmall rising of... Heat story, let's say. It's really short so this will be a little story for the ones here who wanted some spicy moments✨🙄😉🖤❤️🖤 So, to your own risks.


All my drawings were onto a wall facing me. They weren't torn off or anything, just pinned onto the wall in front of me, a light in their direction to put them in evidence.

W-what? What is all my art doing here? It's gonna take forever to put back into pockets!

Suddenly, the door at my left opened. The sound of the door knob being turned at the same time, someone entered. The door was then closed. I couldn't see the person at all as I suddenly realize I was sitting on a bed. I saw a quick hand took a sheet from the giant "board". In the silence of the dark room, a chuckle was heard. A warm, deep chuckle.

-: Well... What do we got here?

The steps went towards me and I tried to back away but it was my impression. I hadn't move at all.

Y/N: What do you want from me? Why did you took my drawings?

Another low chuckle.

-: You don't recognize me Y/N? Don't you know the sound of my voice?

Trying to understand, I let my head process the information. This huskier hot voice of his... The subject of my drawings... Could have it been...

Shadow: I'm glad to meet you in person Y/N.

My entire body shivered while his burning glare was on me.

Shadow: Don't be scared... You know that I would never do such bad things as in your drawings. Right, Y/N?

I blushed, knowing that he must have seen the more baddest ones too.

Shadow: You shouldn't draw things like this.

His tone sounded angry. So badly but... Hotly angry.

Shadow: That's a bad thing.

He got closer to the bed.

Shadow: A bad sweet thing.

He caught my legs in his hands and climbed on top of me.

Shadow: Little Y/N... Why are you so warm to the touch? Is it something I'm doing...

He bent on me as I was half lying down.

Shadow: Or is it only my presence affecting you that much?

He looked in my eyes and put his face closer to mine. My breathing was loud. One of his hand was now on my thigh and the other was holding my hip. He put his lips closer to mines but didn't make them touch. Looking at my eyes and at my mouth, he chuckled again and stood back.

Shadow: Flabbergasted so much? You know that you should take your opportunity when you have the chance with me like you do in your dreams. I'm surprised that you still not understand that I'm here, with you, in the same room... The door closed...

I still couldn't move. A psychological choc maybe? All of that just felt too real but dreamy... It couldn't be. I manage to talk again.

Y/N: How... Do you know I'm dreaming of you?

Shadow: Oh, I know...

He got closer again and smirked wildly.

Shadow: ~A lot of things about you.

He licked the corner of my mouth as I closed my eyes. That wasn't real for sure, this was too much. Way too much.

Y/N: Y-you, do, have you, know me li-

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