A song for a Mafia B. [engl.] Part. 4 ~NSFW

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I got up and slowly walked to it. When I opened the same doors, the protection and its content was at the exact same place. Re-reading the note again, I couldn't help but... Bit my lip in anticipation. I went into the bathroom, dried and changed myself with...

Y/N: He... He really bought that kind of thing...

A black and red outfit was in there. When I saw the outfit... It was...

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P.S: ... Yeup. My hand draw that and my mind is now completely fudged up so please... I don't think I'll take anymore requests about that... My friends that are reading that chapter... No. I didn't do that in my life and no, I never even SAW any of those kind of clothes. I knew it existed and I didn't to look on the internet for one *would have died*😅🥲🙃🫠

I couldn't stop but thought of myself with it... The reaction of Shadow and what he had to do with me. I looked at my determined face into the mirror and had a shiver of the mere thought of his hands touching me. I would not back away at any price now. I tried my best to put it the more fast I could without breaking the... Special clothe. There was so many stripes, so much things he had to do to... Unwrapped and discover me. After five minutes... It was done. I was ready... Fully ready. I went into the bedroom and then thought of how to know where he was now. I realized how dumb my plan of getting dressed like that was when he wasn't even here. I looked at the only thing that could make me have him... I went towards the night stand and pressed a hidden button on the little knob. I began to stressed out and skipped some heartbeats.

I will let him do that to me... Shadow. My love...

I went onto the bed and lied down. It was actually pretty surprising that he hadn't do it to me before. So strong, as beautiful and hot as he was... I could have droll just thinking about his physic. Then, I lost my mind onto how soft he was with me, he cared so much and he loved me that much. The two combined... Would just make me lost my mind. I opened my eyes, feeling a burning fire consuming me inside and able to hear my heavy respiration. I was already we-


The door swung open to hit the wall behind. I snapped my head to the left to see... Him, holding a gun in front of his face ready to shoot anything moving. He was there, his mafia suit opened to his chest in miss of time and I was there, lying in the middle of the bed in my own unique suit... Completely ready for him. When his eyes felt on me... The firearm felt onto the floor. He was hypnotized by my sight and I just blushed while he slowly went closer to me. He looked at me from up and down and went on his fours on top of me. His left hand touched my side as I squirmed a little when he slowly began to put his little claws in my skin/fur. With his other hand, he followed the curve of my neck hid by the bow with the collar around. He bent to kiss my ear.

Shadow: Why? Soft love...

He was giving me a last chance to turn back on my decision. I sneaked my hands to his strong waist and pulled him on me. I felt his strength, the softness and how warm his fur was. His thorax, his hands moving on my body, touching my thighs and the sides of my chest. Sounds I gave him already for his touch. Finally...

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