Love through the failing [engl.]

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Picture from the game - So, I made this story on St.-Valentines day after I effectively received a bad grade. Feeling really down, I wanted to cheer myself up so I made this quick story that I hope, will help you through hard times too🥲❤️

P.S:*Y/N is a human*


I had fail an exam. Again.

It was the sixth time in five months.

I'll get nowhere if I'm still having those kind of grades.

I hated it. This feeling of being a reckless, unworthy and deceiving person because you just missed some answers on a sheet of paper. Some people would say that it wasn't "that bad" and that it was "just a grade" but those grades were important to me. Heck kind of important. Looking at the piece of paper in the bed of my room, tears were blurring my eyes for the hundred-time.

Why can't I do something correctly? Why- no... I just failed this one. Like the others. I didn't practice myself enough... I should have studied better, I sh-... I should, I should, I should... Always thinking but I'm never acting! I'm tired of this!

I knew that I shouldn't have though those kind of this but I knew that it was my fault for not being ready enough before. It was my fault only, nobody else. Worried about everything this week, this grade was just the cherry on the sundae. The red mark letter on it, I was scared to share the "new" to my parents.

What are they gonna say about this? What kind of valuable explanation is there to it? There is no good reason, I just... Failed. Lamentably.

My face in my hands, I just cried again and let the flow wet the pillow. Finally, I had cried myself to sleep.


Opening my eyes, I was walking in the city. I took a bus and went in front of my school. Inside of it, I realized I was late for a class.

That's why nobody was around! Frick, I can't be late, I just can't!

Running between the hallways, I finally arrived at my destination. Physic and arithmetic class. Going inside the only word I saw onto the board was "Test". I had forgot today was the biggest exam the school had to give to people who applied those classes which means, me. The frustrated teacher told me to take my place quickly before he advise the principal about my actions. I did and he gave me the papers. Settling my place, I began to read the questions. Nothing. Absolute nothingness went through my mind. The questions were just going past my eyes and mixed themselves into my mind, replaying over and over the unmeaning words. The time was going at an unknowing path and at some point, the voice of the teacher just got me out of my thinking stance.

-: Hand over you copies, please. Time's over.

I got up, not even looking at what I had wrote and gave it to him. Before I could even turn back, he stopped me.

-: Y/N, is that your exam?

Y/N: Yes... It is.

I was the only one standing.

-: You haven't done anything.

He showed me my copy.

Y/N: But I swear that I have wrote somethings on it, I don't understand...

-: Well, what I don't understand is why are you bothering come here if it's for never working hard enough!

Y/N: B-but sir, I am trying my best and-

-: Then, it's not enough! You failed, again!

This hateful feeling of unworthiness... I wasn't meant to be good at anything.

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