4- Xisuma

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Oooh we're doing POV's now :D

Here's the chapter you've been waiting for. Also thanks for 70 reads in like, 2 weeks? Means so much!

Xisuma was worried, to say the least. Grian had shot out of his base, looking terrified. He sent multiple messages to his communicator, but no response came. He delved into his admin powers, something he hadn't done in a long time, and checked Grian's coordinates. His communicator was halfway between him and the other hermits.

That's why he didn't respond to the messages.

Xisuma sighed. He would give it a few days, but if Grian wasn't back he would go look for him.

The night was drawing close, and he thought he should sleep. He hadn't done that in ages, never feeling tired that often, but the worry of Grian being gone must have taken a toll on his health. He decided to head to bed, but not before arranging a meeting to let the hermits know what happened.

The next day, X arrived at the shopping district. There was a temporary seating area by the town hall, allowing for a better atmosphere. All of the hermits were there except Grian, chattering amongst themselves. Once X arrived they stopped talking and sat down.

'Hello everyone.' X began.

'The reason why we are all here today is because a fellow hermit, giran, has ran away. I don't think he has enough rockets to get back, and I'm worried that he's okay.'

As soon as Xisuma said these words, gasps and whispers could be heard amongst the crowd. The first person to speak publicly was Mumbo.

'Is he okay? Why did he run away?'

X shrugged.

'I don't know. I think it has something to do with what happened yesterday.'

X went on to explain to Mumbo and the others.

'I'm going to give it a few days, but if he doesn't return, I'd like a few of us to go searching for him.'

A collection of nods and agreements came from the crowd.

Xisuma stepped off the makeshift podium, and once everyone had scattered, quickly mined the chairs with the help of a few hermits.

Once most people had left, Xisuma was about to leave when he felt someone tap his shoulder. It was Mumbo.

'Hey, if you ever need any help with anything, let me know. Grian can be.. difficult sometimes.'

Mumbo smiled and walked back over to Scar. X wondered if he knew anything about Grian's past, but thought not to ask in case he disturbed Grian's privacy.

As Xisuma flew home, he thought about Biffa. He left Hermitcraft because he wanted to explore other games, but it left a hole in the community. All physical memory of him was gone, all being left in season 6's server. Xisuma thought about Grian. He'd only been with them for a season and a half, but it felt like he'd been there since day 1. Arguably, X felt closer to Grian than Biffa, the man he'd spent 6 seasons getting to know and love. When he announced his decision to leave Hermitcraft, everyone was very supportive. Of course they were sad, but they understood it was hard for Biffa also. They admired him for having the confidence and courage to leave them all, and promised to stay in touch one way or another.

Xisuma only hoped that Grian wouldn't leave also.

As he flew into his base his thoughts came to a halt and he started thinking about finishing his buildings. The worry about Grian was always there, but he managed to push it to the back of his mind for now.

                                                                                ~POV shift - Grian~

Grian had been busy building a temporary base. Although, in his mind, it was permanent.

He was finishing some windows when something grabbed a hold of him firmly. He heard a voice, an all too familiar voice.

'Hello Gree-on. Looks like you've run away from your little friends, huh? Well, what a good job you did. Otherwise we would never have detected you. You can't hide forever.'

Grian felt the watcher magic sink into his skin, slowly turning him unconscious.



Well well well. Sam already? What's gonna happen to poor little Grian? T_T

I'm sure Xisuma would feel better if you left a vote! And don't forget to comment so I know you like the story so far.

And yes Sam is a watcher. In this book YHS happens in the end, where it's a watcher high school. Grian came there on accident (as a human) and was forced to be a watcher. Therefore he was bullied by Sam. So on and so forth.

Sorry this chapter is so late. I've been busy recently :)

782 words. Not bad. Hopefully most chapters will be 1500, to give you more to read and me less pressure to write! It's a win-win! 

See you soon..

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