Chapter 8: Underneath

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Wednesday, 1980
Yamagata, Japan

After that incident a few days ago Hana was beginning to move on from her friend death. She needed to accept that her friend was gone, Gone forever and even though it still kinda of hurt she knew that she will get through this pain in her heart....

Hana was home alone in the living room watching TV, Hana mom was off to work like usual and she sat alone in the house. She liked watching TV dramas and cop shows, And if she was little adventurous some American dramas and porn....

But tonight she was just watching her favorite romantic drama and was sitting on the couch, She felt her eyes heavy and was beginning to fall asleep until she heard a loud bang outside....

Hana jumped on the sound and quickly got on feet, She realized that that was same sound that happened when Riko was killed all those weeks ago. Was it going to happen to her?

She slowly made her way towards the kitchen and grabbed a knife like all those weeks ago. If she was next than she wasn't going to go down without a fight!

She slowly made her way outside and towards the background of her house, it was nothing just trees and grass.

Maybe it was her imagination, it couldn't be the same person whom killed Riko. Right?

She slowly made her way towards inside until she heard a snap from behind some trees and she slowly turned around, what she saw shocked her to her core....

"Ri...Riko!?" Hana said as she saw Riko standing in her backyard with pale skin and dead lifeless eyes starting at her. There was a huge cut on her stomach, Guts hung out into the ground as Riko stood naked....

Hana stood there shocked and horrified as Riko lifeless body moved a inch closer towards her and her mouth moved but only whispering came out of her mouth....

Hana ran inside of the house and shut the back door until she noticed something, This isn't her old house. The house transported her into a traditional Japanese room.

Hana confused looked around at her surroundings and slowly made her way towards the middle of the room and waited for something to get her, She felt like something was watching her from the coner of her eyes....

"This has to be a dream! There's no way anything like this is possible! This is a really bad dream! All I probably need to do is punch myself!" Hana thought as she began punching her arm really hard but nothing happened....

"What!? I'm still here? What the fuck! what the fuck! Fuck fuck fuck fuck!" Hana continued to punch her arms as she felt a dark presence behind her....

"Hi" a simple deep voice behind her sent shivers down her spine, Something was going after her and as she closed her eyes and began to think of a solution a sharp blade began to dig hard on her arm....

Hana screamed as she felt blood run down her arm and although she couldn't see this dark pressure behind her she could sure feel it. Hana hope that this was a terrible nightmare and that she would wake up soon but it seems like more and more of this dream was becoming reality....

She didn't want to turn around and look at the thing behind her but also out of fear or morbid curiosity she wanted to see whom was attacking her from behind....

The figure than made a quick slash behind her back as Hana screamed from the top of her lungs, She tried to get up but now figure out that she couldn't move, She was paralyzed in this siting position and she now had to face on what the figure wanted to do to her....

Hana closed eyes harder has she began to pray to Amaterasu, Buddha, God and whomever would save her from this hellish torture she was subjected in.....

"I know who you are" A loud demonic voice came from behind her as tears and sweat ran down her face....

"I know what you're people did you me, Do you know what your people did to me?" The voice said as Hana look confused and terrified by the voice behind her....

"I will show you" As the voice began to fade off towards the distance, She noticed that she could move again....

She took this opportunity and booked it out of there as fast as she can, Once she reached outside she noticed that she was in some abandon town and as she began to figure out where she was something grab her from the back of her hair as she was caught off guard....

Hana when began to slowly look again she saw a horrible burn face and demonic red eyes looking at her, It was a man but the man was horribly burned and skin was flapping around the place....

Hana screamed as the man laugh manically and was raising his left hand, She noticed that it was a finger knife glove things with blood on it....

Hana scream as the man came down with his glove knife and she woke up screaming in the living room....

She looked around and saw that she was back at home in the living room like nothing happened....

Hana looked around and when outside to see if it was a dream or not, Luckily it was just outside like usual....

She noticed burn from her face, arm and back and made her way towards the bathroom where she noticed that the scratches from her dream transferred into real life....

Hana was horrified as she slowly began to clean herself up and put bandages on where the scratches where at....

She wanted to tell someone that this was happening to her but would anyone believe her? Would they call her crazy? Insane? They would probably put her in a mental hospital or something?

She didn't know but she knew that this was a serious thing and she needed to put a end to this!

To be continued
Thanks for reading....

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