Chapter 1: Dreams

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                                                      Riko Oka

She sat up from the dirty clothes in a dark room, her vision was blurry as she was wondering where was she at....

The place she was at looked like a worn down wearhouse with pipes running down everywhere....

"Where am I ? Is this a another dream ?" Riko thought as she slowly stood up and walked though the darkness of the wearhouse.....

Riko walked though the tunnel as silence in the air filled the room, The wearhouse was steamy and water ran down the walls....

The rotten smell filled the room like a dead animal or meat made the wearhouse unbearable....

Riko almost gagged and covered his face because of rotten smell around the wearhouse.....

It took her before she saw a door at a end of a dark hallway, She slowly made her way towards the end of the hallway and opened the door.....

Once she opened the door the cold breeze went on her face, She was surprised as she was transported to a deep forest....

"What's going on ?" Riko asked as she slowly made her way to the woods....

Once she looked back behind her the door was alright gone, disappeared, vanished like it was never there....

Riko was initially surprised before she remembered that she was dreaming, But if she was dreaming then why did this dream feel and looked so real ?

Suspiciously the forest seem to brighten up when Riko walked through the forest and all the trees turned to all tall trees into pretty cherry blossoms.....

"Geez this dream is weird" Riko said she saw something that changed her eye....

"Is that a shrine ?" Riko asked as she slowly towards the shrine admiring it's beauty.....

"Is that a shrine ?" Riko asked as she slowly towards the shrine admiring it's beauty

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As she entered the shrine she saw a house in the distance and entered inside.....

Once she entered the house the light from outside immediately turned dark, The house looked abandoned and damaged....

The house was filled with darkness and it took her eyes awhile before her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she noticed something in the distance and slowly looked at it with confusion....

It was something covered underneath some blankets, Riko look confused as she slowly walked towards the cover....

As she was about to uncover the thing under the cover she felt something watching her in the distance....

She slowly removed the cover and was horrified, it was a small skeleton with bugs and rats crawling around it.

Riko screamed as she heard a loud scream and a loud bang in the distance....

She look outside and the sky was blood red then it was the first time she entered the house....

She was confused and horrified as a loud disbodied voice spoke to her in anger....

"GET OUT! IM GOING TO KILL YOU" The voice said as it then made a demonic laugh....

Riko quickly ran out of the house and rush out of the shrine was everything around her quickly turned blood red....

She ran into the woods and didn't know what or where she was going....

Everytime she look behind her she saw a shadow figure lurking in the distance....

She saw a brown door in the distance as she quickly ran towards it for safety, Once she was inside she closed the door as quickly as possible....

She began to look around at her surroundings as she noticed she was back at the wearhouse....

She quickly ran as she wanted to wake up from this terrible dream, but something wanted to keep her there....

Even still she still felt something watching her in the distance, She felt like she wasn't safe just like at the shrine....

It took awhile before Riko stopped running and catched her breath, she sat down and rested near some pipes on the ground....

It's was awhile before something woke her up, a goat with a creepy smile on its face look straight at Riko as she screamed and ran away, She ran for awhile before she saw a figure lurking in the distance, She couldn't see them but she knew they were dangerous and quickly ran into one of the tiny hallways in the wearhouse....

She ran fast until she was at the end of the hallway and unfortunately it was a dead end, Riko hoped that the man lost her or was part of the dream but this didn't feel like any normal dream, it felt too real....

She slowly walked towards the main hallway as she look around and saw there was no man on the hallway, maybe this was all a dream after all....

She turned around a suddenly a man jumped up and attack her, The man stretching it's long arms scratched Riko arm as she screamed and just like that she woke up....

Riko parents rushed to her room, " Riko are you alright ?" Riko mother asked....

"Yeah I'm fine" Riko responded....

"Okay well just making sure" Riko father said as they both walk out of Riko room....

Riko lay down but couldn't sleep that whole night.....

The image of the man face haunted her that whole night....

To be continued
Thanks for reading.....

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