Chapter 13: Society

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Friday Morning
Yamagata, Japan 1980

Hana was super tried and didn't get that much sleep last night, Her eyes burned from not sleeping that she thought that her eyes would fall out. She kept a fake smile in front of her mother and didn't want to tell her what was happening to her....

She knew what was going after her and she was going to figure out the mystery once and for all....


Hana had walked towards her school and looked at the school gates, She was destroyed from the inside and couldn't think right anymore.....

She went towards her classroom and saw that Aiko was already there. Wearing his headphones and doing his homework like usual. She went up towards him and took of his headphones....

Aiko Jumped back and looked at Hana for a second....

"Jeez you can't keep doing that stuff to me!, What do you want?"
Aiko looked at Hana before going back and doing his work.

"Hey what's with the attitude? And anyway I wanted you to come with me to the police station so we can check up on how Daiki doing" Hana explained....

Aiko rolled his eyes for a second before nodding his head in agreement. Hana smiled before kissing him on the cheek and sitting back to her seat.....

"Just as I planned" Hana thought in her head....

It was a few hours later and Aiko and Hana walked towards the police station as the wind blew hard against their hair....

"We're just going to ask Daiki some questions to see if he's knows about something we don't" Hana said as Aiko....

"What if he's actually the murderer though?" Aiko questioned....

"He is not the murderer! I know he isn't!" Hana said as they walked towards the police station.....

Aiko and Hana walked in the police station and there they found the police chief in the front of the office.

"Hey we need to see Daiki please" Hana asked as the police chief turned around and looked at Hana.

"Why? What's the reason for your visit?" The police chief said as he looked at her with confusion.

"Look it's important and I....I mean we really need to ask Daiki some questions" Hana said.

The police chief sighted before telling Hana and Aiko to follow him as he lead them to back towards the cells.....

Once the police chief reached the cells Hana saw Daiki sitting down on a chair. He was still covered in blood on his hands and part of his jacket. Daiki looked at Hana and Aiko with surprised.

"Hana? Aiko? What are you doing here?" Daiki asked as he sat up from his chair and walked towards them in his cell....

"We came to ask you some questions about Riko death" Hana looked at Daiki before looking down towards the floor.

"Like I just said I didn't do it!" Daiki bang hard on the bars, The police had to come closer towards Hana and Aiko.

"No it's okay we're just talking to Daiki" Hana said to the police officers as she looked back at Daiki.

"Calm down Daiki! I know you didn't kill Riko okay" Once Hana had said that Daiki began to relax and clam down as he sat down on the floor.

"Daiki can you please tell us what happened? What happened to Riko that night? Do you remember?" Hana asked as she squaded down near the bars.

"It was like a normal night. We went upstairs towards Riko parents room and ended up making love. But before that she told me that this man was going after her in her dreams." Hana looked at Aiko for a moment before looking back a Daiki.

"We than slept on the bed before I just remembered Riko waking up screaming and freaking out on the bed. I tried to wake her up but she moving around all over the place and then her shirt opened up and slashes began to appear from nothing." Aiko looked at Daiki with confusion and amusement.

"I....I saw her dragged on over the floor and wall and the ceiling. She was flying everywhere. Then she her body went down towards the ceiling before it...." Daiki began to Sutter, He was struggling to bring out the last words of his confession.

"I understand....thank you" Hana said saw she looked up towards the ceiling, Trying to not to get emotional.

"I was supposed to protect her.... it's my fault! Why didn't I protect her!? I just let her to die! I don't know if I can let myself live anymore" Daiki said as tears rolled down his face, This was the first time Hana and Aiko saw Daiki in a emotional and veritable state.

"It's okay I know that you didn't do it. But I know you did and I try to get you out of this mess okay" Hana said as she stood up and smile at Daiki.

"Thank you Hana" Daiki said softly as he did a soft smile and stood up before heading towards his bed....

"Alright that's enough it's time for you two to leave" the police chief said as Hana and Aiko said there goodbyes to Daiki as they left the cell room.

"I told you Daiki didn't do it" Hana said as they were outside of the police station.

"So if he didn't do it then who did?" Aiko asked as he was still surprised or Daiki crying.

Hana than showed some papers to Aiko as Aiko looked at with awe.

"Look I have the things that will lead to me solving and putting an end to this okay! That's why I need you to come with me! Especially tomorrow" Hana said they began to walk hom towards the neighborhood street.

Aiko looked at Hana before smiling. "Okay I will go with you but if you trick me or I found out that this is a lie I will be mad" Aiko said while Hana shocked his hand.

"Deal! Tomorrow that is!" Hana said.

Hana and Aiko parted ways.

"I just hope that we can solve this"

To be continued
Thanks for reading

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