Chapter 14: Understanding

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Saturday Morning
Yamagata Japan 1980

Hana had "woken" from her dream, But really just took some medicine so she wouldn't have dreams and nightmares anymore.

Hana was trying to figure out what or how she would defeat this thing. She knew that she had to defend herself from this thing, but the only thing that was protecting her from the face of death was her determination.

She had been up for a few hours when she heard her mother calling her from downstairs. Hana had went downstairs and saw her mother in the kitchen.

She looked like she was hiding something behind her back like a bottle or something. Hana wondered what her mother was hiding behind her back. She knew that her mother drunk a lot and usually because of getting rid of the pain of her father having affair with another woman.

"Hana you're sick, You need to go somewhere" Hana mother explained.

"Why? What did I do?" Hana questioned her mother, confused on why did her mother said those things.

"You're talking crazy, The man you're seeing is not real. You need get some sleep!" Her mother said.

"No I'm not crazy! It's this man whom killing us in our dreams" Hana explained on what she has been though these past few weeks.

"You're sick okay, You need to get some help. I'm taking you to the hospital tomorrow" Hana mother said.

"Ar....Are you serious right now? You're taking me to a mental hospital.... because I been almost dying in my sleep by a demon?"
Hana couldn't believe on what she was hearing.

"Honey you're talking in nonsense! At least try once and get some sleep or help!" Hana mother said. Hana couldn't bear the sight of her mother after she had said those words.

"Are you drinking again? You're literally the last person to be saying that I need help when you can't even go 5 seconds without taking a sip of alcohol!"Hana said as she felt a hard slap on her face.

Hana mother slapped her, She looked at her mother with Surprise.

"How dare you talk to me like that! I'm am your mother!" Hana mother screamed at Hana. Hana upset and sick of her mother shenanigans pack up her jacket and turned around and left.

"Where are you going!? Get back here! I'm not done talking to you!" Hana mother screamed at her.

"I'm done! I'm done with you!" Hana yelled as she slammed the door as hard as she could and walked away from her house. She just needed some time to get herself together and her mother was not helping.

Hana walked awhile before stumbling towards a park. This was the park that she and Riko used to go to when they were younger.
It brought back fun and simpler times before she was hunted by a burn demon looking thing in her sleep. She wished she could go back to those times. She wished she could restart and be at a point in her life where she was happy.

But she knew she couldn't and the only way she would get through these dark times was to move and look forward. The past was far behind us and the future doesn't exist.

She sat down on a park bench and looked around the park. It was beautiful. The cherry blossoms falling and blowing, The birds chirping, The people walking by and the kids playing.

She was a bunch of people walking with the friends and families walking with their kids or dogs. She wished she could be happy like them again.

She knew if she wanted to go back to where she life was happy at she knew she had to get rid of these things holding her back. It was the only way.

By the time she was done thinking she realized that the sun was going down.

"Damn! Was I thinking this hard!?" Hana thought as she got up and began to walk back towards her house.

She just hoped that she wouldn't be beaten for talking back towards her mother.

To be continued
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