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"AYAKA LETS GET GOING" Shimo shouted

Shimo was walking alongside his brother Kazuya in their local town. He was counting how much money they earned just now at a local restaurant. There, they help out and work part time, Shimo as is a chef, Kazuya as a waiter, and Ayaka as a cleaner.

"Alright I'm coming oniisan. So... how much did we get?" She asked Kazuya

"We almost have enough, don't worry." He smiled looking at all of us "We'll get through this together" Kazuya reassured. He patted her head. Ayaka was naturally cheerful, but their current situation was bad. They've been homeless for 2 years since their mom died.

"Kazuya, Shimo, Ayaka can you help me find whiskers she's gotten lost again, I'll pay you of course." A villager asked

"Of course we'd be glad to help!" Kazuya responded

They continued helping the other townspeople until near sunset when they all sat down at their usual spot near the town gate. Kazuya sat in the middle with Ayaka to the right sleeping on his shoulder. The two brothers were just talking about their dreams, when all of a sudden a old man with a red tengu mask appeared infront of them. He gave them a gold coin before speaking,

"Hello. By any chance are you related to Akane Kaen?" The mysterious man asked

Ayaka woke up from her sleep when he heard him. Kazuyas eyebrows furrowed and Shimo took notice of this and responded himself.

"He was our father"

"Was?" The man asked.

"He abandoned us and our mother" Kazuya said, barely loud enough for him to hear.

"Who are you...?" Ayaka asked rubbing her eyes.

"My name is Urokodaki Sakonji. I was good friends with your father."

The three were a mix of surprised and confused.

"I can see that your in a difficult situation right now... I can't expect you to forgive your father, but allow me to try and correct his mistakes. Let me to teach you to protect the ones you love and also give a place to stay."

The same emotions among them persisted. Confusion and surprise... But now with a hint of anger. After a bit of thinking he realized, this sudden offer could really help them.

"Really?" Ayaka said

"Can we please stay with him? Pleaseeeeee" Shimo begged his brother

Kazuya looked at the ground, then his siblings, then the man.  This would be a lot better for them.

"Alright. We can stay with him. But we leave if I say we should... Okay?"

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