Chapter 6 - Retribution

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With a surge of power, the demon's form shifted. His luxurious appearance shattered, replaced by a hardened exterior. Scales emerged from his skin, transforming him into a towering figure. He grew in size and strength, his once-lavish attire now overshadowed by his imposing presence.

"Allow me to introduce myself," he roared

"Allow me to introduce myself," he roared

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Lower Moon 2: Seikuno

The demon now known as "Seikuno", had a relentless desire to absolutely annihilate the swordsmen who brought him to his strongest yet most vulnerable form. He got up and raised his hands to shoulder level in order to show Kazuya his new strength. Despite this, Kazuya remained poised. After all, he couldn't let this go to his head, not after Shimo got them this far.

He sprinted towards the demon, sword in hand, while Seikuno's scales began to dettach from his body. This was when Kazuya realized how much more challenging this fight was gonna be.


Seikuno's scales became his weapon. Every scale was under his complete control, each being as hard as titanium and manipulated to many uses, that gave him a serious advantage against mere swords.

He sent an army of scales zooming towards Kazuya while he was making his way to the demon. It was unwise to use his frost breathing against lifeless things so he skillfully used his agility to dance around them and occasionally used his sword to block. For a while he was hanging on. However, whenever he avoided one it came back like a boomerang and it got to the point where it was hard to keep track of them, seeing them come in almost every direction. He soon became overwhelmed as his body kept getting more and more cuts from the scales.

The scales began constricting around him, trapping him completely, making it impossible to do total concentration breathing.

Shimo POV

Seikuno had gotten away and Kazuya was on his tail.

I was running after them both before my body stopped working and I fell forward. I was still conscious but I wasn't able to move my body.

In the past whenever we used the eleventh form, our body temperatures would lower and we always had to take a break after. So it probably wasn't a good idea to try fighting, but I had to power through. Especially since the demon wasn't dead yet.

I was trying my best to at least move my arm to drag myself there. I could hear some ominous sounding noises from outside but it was hard to determine what they were.

I began focusing on my breathing, intaking as much air as possible and steadying it. Eventually I got enough energy and managed to stand up. I trudged over to the open door leaning against the walls to help me stay up.

At the time I got outside, I saw Kazuya fighting with flying scales in the middle of the courtyard and Seikuno was standing in between him and me. He didn't notice me at all and he wouldn't take his eyes off of Kazuya.

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