Chapter 2 - Recovery

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Shimo POV

After about half a day of walking we got there. I went in following Shinobu and Kazuya followed Kanae somewhere.

"Shinobu, you came back!" exclaimed a young girl with blue eyes as she jogged up to Shinobu, carefully balancing basket of laundry in her hands. The young girl looked at me and asked "Who's that?"

"Aoi! It's so nice to see you. I met him at final selection. He got injured so I brought him here to heal his wounds," Shinobu explained. "Can you bring him to a room while I put my stuff back? I'll be there when I'm done."

"Of course. Follow me." Aoi said to me.

I went to my room and put my stuff away and headed towards the room Shimo was in.

Shimo POV

The room I was in was a classic patient room. I was sitting on the bed while Kocho was redoing my bandages and applying treatment. She was lecturing me the entire time and because I didn't feel like arguing with her I just ended up staring her.

At some point in her lecture she looked at me, probably because I wasn't saying anything, and noticed I was staring her. Our eyes locked for a moment.

"Stop staring at me like that!" She shouted before turning her head away momentarily.

"What else am I supposed to look at?" I asked. She ignored me and finished up on the bandages.

"Alright, I'm done. With the wounds you have you probably need to stay at the butterfly estate for a couple weeks. You need to get lots of rest. I'll let your brother know. "

"Alright, thank you... You know, for everything you did you help me." I said.

She smiled condescendingly and responded "You're welcome." She walked out the room and I layed down on the bed.

A couple minutes later Kazuya came in.

"Hey Shimo" Kazuya greeted me

"Hi... anything new?" I asked

"Actually, yeah," He sat besides me "Shinobu already told me your gonna have to stay for a couple weeks for recovery, so I think I should head back to Ayaka and Urokodaki sensei letting them know we're ok. Is that okay with you?"

"Yeah. It's for the best that you make sure they know we're alive." I told him "When are you gonna leave?"

"Tomorrow morning." he told me. We talked for some time after that until Aoi called him for dinner.

"Somebody will bring you some dinner in a bit." Aoi informed me while standing by the door. I thanked her and she left with Kazuya. After some time passed, Shinobu came in with food.

"So what's for dinner" I asked.

"For you, we have some soup. If there's anything else you'd like let me know." She offered

"No, soup will be fine." I said.

She sat down on a stool next to my bed and pulled out a spoon. She was about to start feeding me before I instinctively moved my head away and my face flushed.

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