Chapter 12 - Fading Hues of Dawn

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Time Skip
A couple weeks
Night time

"Ayaka, Kanae wants us to the festival next week."

Ayaka was doing some leftover work in the diagnostic lab at the dead of night when Kazuya walked in with that bombshell of information. Her surprise caused her to whip her neck around so fast that you would think it would break.


"Everybody. Festival. Next week." He repeated.


He nodded and crossed his arms while he waited for her to completely process that. He watched as she dramatically put her hands on her head and looked at him with an almost scared face.

"Kazuya, this is the perfect chance."

He looked at her blankly. "Perfect chance for what?" He inquired.

She grabbed his shoulder and began shaking him, "This is your chance to confess to her."

His face turned pink and he made her stop shaking him. "C-confess?"

"Yes, everybody knows you have a crush on her and this is a great opportunity."

He gave her a nervous smile. "Ayaka, cmon. I don't have a crush on anyone."  He insisted.

She gave him a pointed stare. "Oneesan, don't lie, at this point I'm sure even Kanao knows."

"Ayaka, I'm telling you I don't have a crush on Kanae." Kazuya replied slightly annoyed.

She smirked and crossed her arms, "You know, I never said I was talking about Kanae."

His eyes widened, "I... uhh... I-I... That's not fair!"

She giggled at him "Alright let me call the cavalry and we'll make a plan." And she proceeded to leave the room.

Kazuya was left there alone with his thoughts as she shut the door. He sat down on a chair and had a small smile at the thought of confessing to her.

She almost definitely liked him, right? She intitiated their kiss. There was nothing to be nervous about. The best next step would be to put his feeling into actual words rather then confusing actions. But the more he thought about it, the worse he felt. Ever since that kiss, he and Kanae could barely look each other in the eyes. 

Not long after, his thoughts were interrupted when he looked up to see Ayaka barging in, followed by a sleepy Aoi and Kanao. Kazuya sweatdropped at her choices of support but just went with it.

"Why did you bring us here?" Aoi asked with crossed arms while Kanao was rubbing her eyes.

Ayaka looked at Kazuya intently, signaling him to explain. He got up and looked at the two of them. "Ok so... Let's say, hypothetically, somebody I know needs help planning a confession." Kazuya told them, way too confident in his cover story, leaving Ayaka to simply gawk at him.

"Your finally gonna confess to her?"Aoi asked enthusiastically.

"W-what? No, no, it's just hypothetical. And it's not me." He clarified.

Ayak karate chopped his head, "I already told you Oneesan, everybody knows you like Kanae."

Rubbing his head, he opened his mouth but before he could say anything more, Ayaka turned to the two girls, "Alright everybody! We are gathered here today to discuss the plans pertaining my elder brother's confession to Kanae."

After what seemed like an eternity to Kazuya, they were finally done constructing the unnecessarily detailed plan. It was completely furnished and they were ready for the day of the festival. All that was left from here till that point was to wait for the day of the festival and actually do it.

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