Chapter 15 - People Will Leave You

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In the dead of the night, I left the butterfly mansion, bag in hand. No note left behind, I made my way to the mansion we commissioned so long ago. It was empty, no furniture inside and no plants or anything outside. Just the basic construction done. I slid open the front door and walked into the very empty room that was planned to be the living room. I threw my bag to the side and set up a futon.

"Perfect." I announced observing my work.

At this point, the announcement hadn't been made. Their death's put off essentially everything related to this mansion, including the news being spread to others.

With the exception of Choji of course. He came flying through and perched himself on the window frame. I groaned in annoyance.

"If it's the same thing I swear—!"

He cut in. "Master Ubayashiki has requested a meeting with you."

I threw a cracker at him from my spot on the futon, which he dodged to my surprise, causing it to fly past the window and land outside.

"I already told you to tell him I'm NOT coming." I yelled. After looking at me for a couple seconds, he flapped his wings and flew away. I never imagined I would see a bird look so disappointed.

With a lack of missions, I spent the next couple days training and working on the mansion. Setting up the training room, stocking up the to-be infirmary, planting some trees, and more. While sharpening my sword I made Choji send a message to Ayaka as well, saying:

"I'm staying at the mansion. Please, don't tell Shinobu or the rest of the girls or they won't let me hear the end of it. I want you to stay with them and continue honing your skill. Only come if I tell you to. Meanwhile I'll continue my work from here. I can't be distracted. Your brother, Shimo." I spoke absentmindedly.

Ayaka POV

I pinched the bridge of my nose as I stood in my room listening to Choji relay the message to me.

That idiot.

Shimo POV

After many continuous requests, I finally resumed my work as a demon slayer. Solo missions of course. I avoided doing group missions like the plague.

My nights were spent receiving as many missions as I could. Ayaka had sent a list of necessities to buy. And so, I spent the days either working on the mansion, training, or searching for clues, hints, or anything that could help.

Right after two swift missions one night, I got the next one immediately at a nearby village. This one was a bit stronger than the previous two and managed to not die immediately. I rested my foot upon the upper half of the three-eyed red demon as the sun rose while I stood in the doorway of a practically destroyed house.

"Upper moon 2. Doma. What do you know?" I asked firmly, my sword drawing the kanji which was inscribed in my memory upon his chest, warm blood spreading from the openings. I slowly moved his head closer and closer to the looming sunlight with my foot against his cheek.

"I DONT KNOW! I SWEAR I DONT KNOW!!!" He screamed as his wide eyes peered at the approaching sunlight, desperately trying to regenerate his body.

My sword stopped. "Shame." I muttered, kicking his head into the sunlight, before stepping into it myself and sheathing my sword.

With no more missions that night, I went to return the mansion with Choji's gps service as a guide. As I arrived I opened the door and found some food for him and spilled some onto a plate. Letting him eat, I went to—

"Shimo~" A voice called.

My eyes widened slightly and I turned around to see none other than Ayaka standing in the doorway. "Good morning!" She called.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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