Chapter 10 - Rehabiltation Gone Wrong

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Today was the first day of rehabilitation training. Much to Shimo's dismay, it was nothing but torture.

"C'mon Shimo, let's go." Shinobu crossed her arms.

"Five more minutes, Shinobuuu..."  Shimo groggily mumbled while holding onto a pillow.

"Today is the first day of rehabilitation training. I won't have you wasting my time." She said yanking off his blanket. Needless to say, he did not get those extra five minutes. She dragged him out, and into the rehabilitation training room.

In this room, he first met the three other girls they took care of: Naho, Kiyo, and Sumi. Occasionally, they helped him stretch and get ready for the day. On the unlucky days, the stretch was done by Aoi and Kanao.

In both situations, he would lie down on a futon while they would try to loosen up my stiff muscles. They would stretch them, making emphasis on his arms, torso, legs and joints.

However, when Aoi and Kanao did it, it seemed as though they were using all the strength they had in order to rip his limbs apart.

"AOI! EASE UP A BIT!" Shimo yelled. "KANAO STOP PLEASE!" They always ignored him, all the while Shinobu's watching and holding back laughter.

After they were done stretching, they did reflex training with cups. To be completely honest, it was almost like this part of the training was designed so that Shimo would do terrible. Even at full strength, he didn't have the same fast reflexes that Shinobu did. Now, with his injuries, he truly had no chance.  So she was really enjoying herself. Over and over and over, she would splash the "medicinal tea" on him, drenching him completely.

After getting splashed for the 916th time, he heard noises behind him and saw Aoi quietly snickering. He shouted and then with an unamused face, "It's alright; you can laugh at my torture!"

Shinobu shaked her head with a small smile sitting across from Shimo as they teased him. She noticed how Aoi and even Kanao got comfortable with Shimo's presence. The younger three were still slightly cautious of him for some reason, but she knew that they would soon get adjusted.

"Alright, let's move on, shall we?" Shinobu said with a clap, grabbing his attention.

His head turned towards her and his eyes held nothing but pure relief as he asked her, "What's next?"

She smiled. "A simple game of tag."

The two stood across from each other, and it was decided Shinobu would be the tagger first. At this time, Kanae, Kazuya, and Sanemi, stopped by and decided to watch how training was going.

As soon as Aoi yelled "Start!" Shinobu dashed for Shimo. For all of 15 seconds, he was able to stay out her range...until she inevitably touched his arm.

He whirled around to face her and pointed at her dramatically, "You know what?" He proclaimed, "It's easier as the tagger."

"Let's see about that." she responded with a small grin.

When it was his turn he immediately ran for her and she gracefully sidestepped as he struggled to remain balanced. He scowled at his own incompetence before dashing at her again, refusing to give up so easily.

She would jump, dodge, weave, every single time he got close. This continued for a minute or two until Aoi called stop.

She gracefully landed on the floor after a jump and told him, "Not so easy, is it, shortie?"

He looked at her slightly irritated but simply walked back towards the starting spot, waiting for her to get in position. She became the tagger again and this time, he lost track of her completely. Looking around frantically, he caught a glimpse of the spectators looking past him. Right when he was about to run, he felt a foot against his back that pushed him onto the ground.

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