Chapter 9 - Sweet Tidings

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It was morning in the butterfly mansion. Shimo poked his head out the door to see if anybody was near by. The plan would only work with only the upmost stealth and finesse. Turned his head left. Nobody. Turned his head right. Nobody.

The coast was clear.

He tiptoed his way out and down the stairs, making sure to be extra quiet so he wouldn't alert anybody of his presence. He entered the kitchen and looked at the menacing top right cupboard. However he realized he had a problem. He was very short. And he definitely could not touch the top right cupboard that was in the very top corner of the room. So he was left with the only option there was, which was to get on the counter and retrieve the target.

So he proceeded to climb on top of the counter and slowly opened it. And there he saw it.


His eyes beamed in happiness as he slowly picked one up and admired its beauty. He threw it in his mouth and proceeded to stuff his mouth with more of that bittersweet cocoa bliss. After fleeting moments of happiness he suddenly felt a cold aura from behind and turned his head to see a certain short demon slayer with her arms croseed. He jumped a little at the sight of her in pure fear, but that was all it look for one of his socks to slip as he dramatically fell forward.

Shinobu simply watched as he landed on his side with a thud, followed by another thump from his head hitting the floor as he yelped in agony. He turned on his other side to writhe from the stinging feeling on his head and pure pain on his side. He was whimpering and whining almost pathetically, with some chocolate on his face.

Shinobu was annoyed. Just the day before, she told him that he could move around the estate soon if he was simply patient. But what did he do? Sneak out of his room to indulge in chocolate. Her voiced laced with anger she asked "Are you done?"

Shimo looked at her slightly scared,"S-Sorry."

"That's it?"

He gave her a confused look, "What else am I supposed to say?" He meekly asked

Shinobu looked at him in disbelief. But that disbelief soon turned into pure frustration, as she became visibly angry and proceeded to stomped over to him. That day, she could be seen grabbing Shimo by his collar and dragging him back to his room, despite his protests.

When he was put in his bed and finished receiving his lecture, Shinobu began telling him some news.

"Listen! At the butterfly estate we have rehabilitation training. However, Kanae wanted to visit the town tomorrow with Kazuya, you, and myself." Shimo peaked out of the blankets he was hiding in. "We're going tomorrow, so make sure to get enough rest for that and rehabilitation training. You'll need it."

The next day

All four of them went in town at around the evening.  The 2 brothers were walking through town following the 2 sisters to wherever they wanted to go. It was obvious that Shimo became bored, however a small shop selling masks caught his attention.

"Shinobu, check this out!" She turned her head to see Shimo right next to her face with an oversized Obeshimi mask. She let out a chuckle covering her mouth with one hand, and Shimo grabbed her other wrist and ran over to the shop.

"Try this one on, Shinobu." He encouraged, as he began sliding a mask on to her face. She didn't resist and by the shape of the make she could tell it was an Okame mask.

He stepped away to see what she looked like and despite his efforts to hide his laughter he couldn't. "You look ridiculous!" He burst out, his hand over his mouth, doubled over in amusement. Shinobi took the mask off in embarrassment and annoyance. She was about to say something back, but to the side, she saw an angry shop owner, steam practically streaming out his ears, looming ominously behind the blue-eyed boy. In no time, he swatted Shimo on the head while Shinobu watched in amusement.

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