Chapter 5 - Lost in Battle

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It's been a several months since final selection.


Choji flew onto Shimos arm and was handed a biscuit.

"So, what's my next mission?" Shimo asked. Before he could respond Kazuyas crow flew in. Its tail had a peculiar red mark at the end.

Choji glared at the other bird before starting, "You will accompany your older brother on a mission west of here. The demon is suspected to be inside a temple. All previous demon slayers we sent in the past are dead. You are the only slayers ranked high enough that are available."

"Alright then." Shimo said with a hint of worry in his voice.

"Let's get moving so we can back as soon as possible." Kazuya told him

Kazuya POV

Before we left we told Ayaka and Urokodaki we were leaving and got ready. Me and Shimo are confident in our abilities since I was a Kinoe and Shimo is a Hanoe so they weren't that worried.

After getting ready and reviewing the details with Choji and my bird, Yuuto we head off immediately. We were leaving earlier then usual, before the sun was even up, but we had long distance to cover so we had to deal with it.

The trip there was uneventful but calming. It was nice talking and playing around with Shimo on the way.

By the time we got there the sun had already set The moon eerily lit up the front side of the mansion. I adjusted my haori as Shimo tightened the grip on his katana, with a glimmer of excitement in his eyes and proceeded to go inside.

We pushed open the massive doors, revealing a lavishly decorated interior. Gilded walls, expensive tapestries, and intricate sculptures adorned the opulent entrance hall.

"There are some claw marks here." Shimo pointed at the wall to the side of us. I quickly nodded and responded,

"This is definitely the place. Let's look for some more traces."

As we continued exploring we found more and more traces. As we were exploring each room we came across a peculiar room. When we opened the door, the stench of the large room was unbearable. There we saw bodies of demon slayers and their blood spread messily around the room.

Our attention was drawn to the other side of the room, where a figure stood licking blood off his fingers. He was wearing elegant attire, his features exuding an air of superiority.  It was the demon.

3rd Person POV

The demon's eyes gleamed as he surveyed the brothers' arrival. His luxurious appearance contrasted sharply with the fierce determination etched on the brothers' faces. He began walking towards the brothers and with a sly smile, the demon told them,

"How convenient. More and more humans walk through the front doors of my home." he glanced down at their clothes "I can see your demon slayers...  They keep sending more and more to me but you both must be at least slightly stronger, yes? How pitiful is it that your going to die anyways."

Shimo smirked and replied, "Well aren't you a lavish demon? Let's see if your claws are as sharp as your fashion sense."

Frost Breathing Ninth form: Avalanche

The demon swiftly dodged the attack and appeared, now in the middle of the room. The demon sneered "You dare underestimate me?"

Shimo and Kazuya exchanged a glance, acknowledging the situation. The demon stared at Kazuya as he took out his sword ready for whatever the demon would throw at him. The demon lunged towards Kazuya, his movements a blur of speed and precision. Although his speed was far greater then they expected, Kazuyas reflexes allowed him to parry the initial strikes, while Shimo came over to assist.

It became clear that the demon possessed strength surpassed their expectations. His fists struck with lightning speed, testing the brothers' defenses. Now targeting both of them, he was somehow more calm then before, even going as far to make sure he wouldn't get any blood on his clothes.

Kazuya's skillful swordplay managed to deflect the demon's attacks, but Shimo found himself barely evading the full force of the onslaught.

As the battle continued, the brothers began to realize the true extent of his power. They exchanged glances, a mix of concern and determination reflected in their eyes. They knew they had to change their strategy if they were to overcome him.

They changed the plan and swapped positions. So now Kazuya would bait his attacks since he was the faster one while Shimo would attack. The started to implement the plan and the demon began striking Kazuya while skillfully defending from Shimo. The young boy's katana clashed against the demons rock hard skin, each collision sending sparks to the air. However, after each attack he struck through his skin, the demon managed to heal just as fast.

Their clothes had blood splattered over it and with each passing moment, the demon's arrogance grew.

"Is this the best you can offer? I expected more of a challenge when they sent only two of you!"

"This is a just a taste of our strength. Consider it a teaser for the main event." Shimo joked while wiping away some of the blood on his face.

Kazuya gritted his teeth. He knew they weren't going to win if they kept going like this and he searched for any opening that would give them an advantage. He backflipped away from the demon and Shimo followed, doing the same.

"It's a bit to late to run." The demon mocked while healing his wounds.

Kazuya ignored the demon, planning his next move but it seemed like Shimo had enough.

"Alright screw this." Shimo muttered

Frost Breathing Eleventh Form: Glacial Armor

"Shimo wait!" Kazuyas eyes widened as he watched his brother lunge towards the demon and attack with no fear. His eyes were bloodshot as he took the demons attacks like it was nothing and the demon grew worried. His arrogance waned while he was being sliced up by Shimo. His limbs were all cut off and he had many slashes all over his body. Shimo was about to go for the head before the demon healed his legs to run away outside.

"ARGH YOU WONT GET AWAY!" Shimo shouted. Kazuya followed Shimo as he chased the demon. The demon was quite clumsy in his escape, leaving many marks and trails that could be easily followed.

As he followed the trail, Kazuya found the demon outside, in the courtyard of the mansion. He got there before Shimo since some of his energy was drained from his earlier move.

Under the moonlight, he saw that the demon was on his knees and he began to... laugh?

He was looking up at the night sky laughing hysterically before he slowly started to turn his eyes towards Kazuya. And what the boy saw made him petrified in fear. His body started to become bigger and he grew to almost double in size. Most of his clothes were replaced by sharp scales.

But this wasn't what scared Kazuya the most. Not even close. Because what he saw engraved in the eyes of the demon was known to be feared by every demon slayer. The demons that Muzan Kibutsuji himself acknowledge.

The Lower Moon 2

Taisho Secret
The eleventh form of frost breathing was made by Kazuya and Shimo after final selection. Kazuya had been thinking of making a form for a while and approached Shimo about it and he was down. They spent months refining it and at this time they've almost mastered the form.

A/N: Just so you all know at this point in the story Shinobu and Shimo are 13, Kazuya is 15, Kanae is 16, Ayaka is 10, and Kanao and Aoi are 11.

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